Drug abuse and addiction

DEFINITION: Drug abuse is a disease characterized by continued misuse of drugs even when faced with drug-related occupational, legal, health, or family difficulties. Problems associated with drug abuse must be present for a minimum of twelve months to meet the diagnosis, according to the fifth edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V). Drug dependence refers to long-term, compulsive drug use, with attempts to stop that end in repeated returns to use. Drug dependence also indicates that the user’s body has begun to develop a tolerance to the drug and may require the drug in higher doses to achieve the same effects and to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Drug abuse and drug dependence are not terms that should be used to describe people who are taking appropriate dosages of prescribed drugs (pain medication, for example) and who have become physically dependent on them. Diagnosis of both drug abuse and drug dependence requires the presence of specific behavioral symptoms.

ALSO KNOWN AS: Drug dependence

According to the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 48.7 million people (aged twelve and older) struggled with a substance use disorder that year. An estimated 29.5 million reported an alcohol use disorder, 27.2 million had an illicit drug disorder, while 8 million suffered from both.


The cause of drug abuse and dependence is unknown, although there are a variety of theories. One theory holds that there may be a genetic component that predisposes a person to developing a drug addiction. Another theory is that drug abuse is a learned behavior and that people begin to use drugs by copying the behavior of those around them. Medical professionals have not been able to target a specific cause. Long-term drug use alters the brain’s structure and chemistry, which may reinforce the desire to keep using drugs regardless of the consequences.


Risk Factors and Symptoms

A risk factor is something that increases the chances of getting a disease or condition. For drug abuse and addiction, young males are at a greater risk, as are those who have family members with substance abuse problems. Other risk factors include social and peer pressure, early antisocial behavior, stress, and easy access to drugs. Anxiety, depression, and panic disorders are also risk factors associated with drug abuse and addiction.

Denial that a drug problem exists is common. Drug abuse can occur without physical dependence and often progresses to drug dependence. To diagnose drug abuse, the symptoms must have lasted for at least twelve months and may include repeated work, school, or home problems due to drug use; continued use of drugs even though it means risking physical safety; recurring trouble with the law related to drug use, including impaired driving; and continued use of drugs despite drug-related problems in personal relationships.

Symptoms of drug dependence include at least three of the following: craving for the substance; inability to stop or limit drug use; tolerance, or taking greater amounts to feel the same effect; withdrawal symptoms that occur when the drug is stopped; significant amounts of time trying to acquire drugs and recover from their effects; and giving up activities to use drugs or recover from their effects. Drug use continues even when it causes or worsens health and/or psychological problems.


To help with diagnosis, doctors ask a series of questions regarding drug-related problems, specifically:

• how often the patient uses drugs

• which drugs the patient uses

• what amount and if the patient has increased the amount to receive the same desired effect

• emotional problems that may have occurred while using drugs

• problems with a job, family, or the law

Tests may include blood and urine tests to check for the presence of drugs.


There is no cure for drug abuse or drug dependence. Treatment consists of three main goals: to help patients stop using drugs, to decrease the toxic effects of the drugs being used and to aid in symptoms of drug withdrawal (“detoxification”), and to prevent relapse. Successful treatment depends on the drug user’s recognition of the problem and desire to change. Recovery takes a long time and is not an easy process. Patients may need multiple courses of treatment.

Therapies include medications, counseling, and self-help organizations. Drugs may help to alleviate some of the symptoms of withdrawal. In some cases, medication may be ordered to prevent relapse. People addicted to heroin may be given methadone to help taper them off. Methadone may also be given on a long-term basis to improve the chance of staying in treatment. Methadone is a narcotic that blocks cravings as well as the pleasurable effects of heroin and other opiates. Other drugs that are used in treatment are naltrexone (e. g., ReVia, which blocks the effect of opiates) and buprenorphine (e. g., Subutex, which is similar to methadone).

In 2016, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of Probuphine which is a subdermal implant consisting of four flexible, one-inch rods that delivers buprenorphine to the patient. This is the first treatment of its kind for battling opioid addiction. The benefits of drug-emitting implants include the patient being able to focus on other aspects of their recovery rather than managing a daily pill regimen.

Therapy raises awareness of the underlying issues and lifestyles that promote drug use. Therapy also works to improve coping and problem-solving skills and works to develop other ways of dealing with stress or pain. Through counseling, a person can learn how to handle situations associated with drug use and replace drug-using activities with other activities that are more meaningful. Family support is encouraged.

There are numerous organizations and support groups dedicated to helping people stop using drugs. Two examples are Narcotics Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous. These are twelve-step programs. Members of these organizations meet regularly to talk about their drug-related troubles and provide a network of support for each other.


Bowser, Benjamin P., Carl O. Word, and Toby Seddon. Understanding Drug Use and Abuse: A Global Perspective. Palgrave, 2014.

Fisher, Gary, and Nancy Roget. Encyclopedia of Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery. Sage, 2009.

Granfield, Robert, and Craig Reinarman, eds. Expanding Addiction: Critical Essays. Routledge, 2015.

"HHS, SAMHSA Release 2022 National Survey of Drug Use and Health Data." Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 13 Nov. 2023, www.samhsa.gov/newsroom/press-announcements/20231113/hhs-samhsa-release-2022-nsduh-data. Accessed 19 July 2024.

Jefferson, Tom. Drugged to Death: The Health Crisis of Our Generation. Bookbaby, 2017.

“Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States: Results from the 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.” Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2021, www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/reports/rpt35325/NSDUHFFRPDFWHTMLFiles2020/2020NSDUHFFR1PDFW102121.pdf. Accessed 19 July 2024.

Ruiz, Pedro, and Eric C. Strain. The Substance Abuse Handbook. 2nd ed., Wolters, 2014.

Shapiro, Harry. Recreational Drugs: A Directory. Collins, 2004.

Thombs, Dennis. Introduction to Addictive Behaviors. 3rd ed., Guilford Press, 2006.