Nausea and vomiting

Anatomy or system affected: Brain, gastrointestinal system, nervous system, stomach

Definition:Nausea is an unpleasant sensation accompanied by epigastric and duodenal discomfort; it often culminates in vomiting, the regurgitation of the contents of the stomach.

Causes and Symptoms

Nausea is defined as an unpleasant sensation associated with awareness of the urge to vomit. It is usually felt in the back of the throat and epigastrium and accompanied by the loss of gastric tone, duodenal contractions, and reflux of the intestinal contents into the stomach. Retching is defined as labored, spasmodic, rhythmic contractions of the respiratory muscles (including the diaphragm, chest wall, and abdominal wall muscles) without the expulsion of gastric contents. Vomiting, or emesis, is the forceful expulsion of gastric contents from the mouth and is brought about by the powerful sustained contraction of the abdominal muscles, the descent of the diaphragm, and the opening of the gastric cardia (the cardiac orifice of the stomach).


Nausea and vomiting are important defense mechanisms against the ingestion of toxins. The act of emesis involves a sequence of events that can be divided into three phases: preejection, ejection, and postejection. The preejection phase includes the symptoms of nausea, along with salivation, swallowing, pallor, and tachycardia (an abnormally fast heartbeat). The ejection phase comprises retching and vomiting. Retching is characterized by rhythmic, synchronous, inspiratory movements of the diaphragm and the abdominal and external intercostal muscles, while the mouth and the glottis are kept closed. As the antral (cavity) portion of the stomach contracts, the proximal (nearest the center) portion relaxes, and the gastric contents oscillate between the stomach and the esophagus. During retching, the hiatal portion of the diaphragm does not relax, and intra-abdominal pressure increases are associated with a decrease in intrathoracic pressure.

In contrast, relaxation of the hiatal portion of the diaphragm (near the esophagus) permits a transfer of intra-abdominal pressure to the thorax during the act of vomiting. Contraction of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, relaxation of the esophageal sphincter, an increase in intrathoracic and intragastric pressure, reverse peristalsis (movement of the contents of the alimentary canal), and an open glottis and mouth result in the expulsion of gastric contents. The postejection phase consists of autonomic and visceral responses that return the body to a quiescent phase, with or without residual nausea.

The complex act of vomiting, involving coordination of the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and abdominal musculature, is controlled by what researchers label the emetic center. This center in the brain stem has access to the motor pathways responsible for the visceral and somatic output involved in vomiting, and stimuli from several areas within the central nervous system can affect this center. These include afferent (inward-directed) nerves from the pharynx and gastrointestinal tract, as well as afferents from the higher cortical centers (including the visual center) and the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) in the area postrema (a highly vascularized area of the brain stem). The CTZ can be activated by chemical stimuli received through the blood or the cerebrospinal fluid. Direct electrical stimulation of the CTZ, however, does not result in emesis.

Clinical assessment of nausea and vomiting usually focuses on the occurrence of vomiting, namely the frequency and number of episodes. Nausea, however, is a subjective phenomenon unobservable by another. Few data-collection instruments that measure separately the patient’s experience of nausea and vomiting and their symptom of distress have been reported in the literature. In fact, the Rhodes Index of Nausea and Vomiting (INV) Form 2 is the only available tool that measures the individual components of nausea, vomiting, and retching. This index measures the patient’s perception of the duration, frequency, and distress from nausea; the frequency, amount, and distress from vomiting; and the frequency, amount, and distress from retching (dry heaves). The INV score provides a measurement of the total symptom experience of the patient.

While the causes of nausea and vomiting are numerous, including gastrointestinal diseases, infections, intracranial disease, toxins, radiation sickness, psychological trauma, migraines, and circulatory syncope, three of the most common causes are motion sickness (air, sea, land, or space), pregnancy, and anesthesia administered during operative procedures.

The sequence of symptoms and signs that constitute motion sickness is fairly characteristic. Premonitory symptoms often include yawning or sighing, lethargy, somnolence, and a loss of enthusiasm and concern for the task at hand. Increasing malaise is directed toward the epigastrium, a sensation best described as “stomach awareness,” which progresses to nausea. Diversion of the blood flow from the skin toward the muscles results in pallor. A feeling of warmth and a desire for cool air is often accompanied by sweating. Frontal headache and a sensation of disorientation, dizziness, or light-headedness may also occur. Vomiting occurs early in the sequence of symptoms for some; in others, malaise is severe and prolonged, and vomiting is delayed. After vomiting, there is often a temporary improvement in well-being; however, with continued provocative motion, symptoms build again, and vomiting recurs. The symptoms may last for minutes, hours, or even days.

The most coherent explanation for the development of motion sickness is provided by sensory conflict theory. Motion sickness is generally thought to occur as the result of a “sensory conflict” between information arising from the semicircular canals and organs of the vestibular system, visual and other sensory input, and the input that is expected based on past experience or exposure history. It is argued that conflicts between current sensory inputs are by themselves insufficient to produce motion sickness, since adaptation occurs even though the conflicting inputs continue to be present. Visual input alone, however, can produce symptoms of motion sickness, such as watching motion pictures shot from a moving vehicle or looking out of the side window (as opposed to the front window) of a moving vehicle.

Nausea and vomiting in the early morning during pregnancy, so-called morning sickness, is so common that it is accepted as a symptom of normal pregnancy. Occurring soon after waking, it more often takes the form of retching rather than actual vomiting and usually does not disturb the woman’s health or her pregnancy. The symptoms nearly always cease before the fourteenth week of pregnancy. In a very small number of cases—approximately 0.3 percent to 2 percent of pregnancies—the vomiting becomes more serious and persistent, occurring throughout the day and even during the night. The term “hyperemesis gravidarum” is given to this serious form of vomiting. Theories on the etiology of morning sickness have tended to be grouped under four main areas: endocrine (caused by estrogen and progesterone levels), psychosomatic (a conscious or unconscious wish not to be pregnant), allergic (a histamine reaction), and metabolic (a lack of potassium).

Nausea and vomiting occur frequently as unpleasant side effects of the administration of anesthesia in many clinical procedures. Most postoperative vomiting is mild, and only in a few cases will the problem persist, causing electrolyte disturbances and dehydration. The factors affecting postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) may be divided into two categories: the type of patient and surgery, and the anesthetic and preoperative and postoperative medications used. Patients with a history of motion sickness have a predisposition to PONV. An article published in OR Nurse 2012 reported that approximately 30 percent of surgical patients experience PONV within the first twenty-four hours after surgery, while patients with a history of either PONV or motion sickness are two to three times more likely to experience PONV in the future. The length of the surgical procedure is also a factor; a procedure lasting 30 minutes or less carries a 28 percent risk of PONV, while a procedure lasting between 151 and 180 minutes carries a 46.2 percent risk.

No direct association between vomiting and age has been found. That vomiting may be hormonally related, however, is suggested by the higher incidence of nausea and vomiting in women, particularly women in the latter half of their menstrual cycles. Other factors that may affect nausea and vomiting associated with anesthesia include patient weight (female obese patients being particularly more vulnerable), degree of hydration, metabolic status, and psychological state. Regarding the type of surgery performed, the highest incidences of nausea and vomiting appear to be associated with abdominal surgery and ear, nose, and throat surgery, with middle-ear surgery being the major category.

Most of the causes of vomiting associated with general anesthesia are expected to be eliminated with regional or spinal anesthesia. The type of anesthesia used also influences nausea and vomiting. Research indicates that cyclopropane, ether, and nitrous oxide are potent emetics.

Treatment and Therapy

Since the generation of sensory conflict underlies all motion environments that give rise to motion sickness, practical measures that reduce conflict are likely to reduce the incidence. Motion sickness can be minimized if the subject has the widest possible view of a visual reference in which the earth is stable. Passengers aboard ships are less likely to be seasick if they remain on deck at midship, where vertical motion is minimized, and view the horizon. In a car or bus, individuals should be able to see the road directly ahead since the movement of this visual scene will correlate with the changes in the direction of the vehicle. While head movements in a rotating environment are known to precipitate motion sickness, there is no clear experimental evidence that they elicit nausea in mild linear oscillation. Thus, some nonpharmacologic remedies for motion sickness include restricting head movements, lying in a supine position, and closing one's eyes. In addition, the use of acupressure wrist bands has proven effective in combating motion sickness.

Pharmacologically, the drug hyoscine hydrobromide (also called hyoscine or scopolamine) emerged as a valuable prophylactic drug following extensive research during World War II into the problems of motion sickness in troops transported in aircraft, ships, and landing craft. It remains one of the most effective drugs for short-duration exposure to provocative motion. Doses in excess of 0.6 milligram, however, are very likely to lead to drowsiness, and there is much experimental evidence that the drug impairs short-term memory. Hyoscine can be absorbed transdermally, and to extend the duration of action, a controlled-release patch was developed to deliver 1.2 milligrams on application and 0.01 milligram hourly thereafter. There is substantial evidence of its sustained effectiveness, but, perhaps as a result of variable absorption rates, there is an increased risk of blurred vision after more than twenty-four hours of use.

Amphetamines, ephedrine, and several antihistamines, like dimenhydrinate, have been found to be clinically useful in motion sickness. Following oral administration, these drugs are generally slower than hyoscine in reaching their peak efficacy, but they have a longer duration of action.

For most susceptible subjects whose exposure to motion-sickness-inducing stimuli is infrequent, prophylactic drugs offer the only useful treatment. When exposure to provocative stimuli is more frequent, as in the case of professional aircraft pilots, spontaneous adaption typically occurs during training, and an initially high incidence of motion sickness decreases with time.

In medical conditions in which the cause is relatively unknown, it is usual to find a wide variety of suggested therapies, and morning sickness and hyperemesis gravidarum are no exception. Suggested therapy is mainly drugs of the antiemetic variety; however, since the thalidomide tragedy, in which severe deformities occurred in the children of women who took thalidomide while pregnant, there has been a reluctance to use drugs of any kind during early pregnancy. Probably the only value of drug therapy is at the stage of morning sickness, when antiemetics or mild sedatives may counter the feeling of nausea and prevent women from experiencing excessive vomiting and entering the vicious cycle of dehydration, starvation, and electrolyte imbalance. Once the patient has reached the stage of hyperemesis gravidarum, much more basic therapy is required, including correction of dehydration, carbohydrate deficiency, and ionic deficiencies. This program is best managed by intravenous therapy, with or without the addition of vitamin supplements and sedative agents.

Nonpharmacologic self-care actions for morning sickness fall into the three broad categories: manipulating diet, adjusting behavior, and seeking emotional support. Some of the most effective self-care actions are getting rest, eating several small meals rather than three large ones, avoiding bad smells, avoiding greasy or fried foods, avoiding cooking, and receiving extra attention and support.

In terms of PONV caused by anesthesia, it has been found that routine antiemetic prophylaxis of patients undergoing elective surgical procedures is not indicated. Of those who develop these symptoms, many have transient nausea or only one or two bouts of emesis and do not require antiemetic therapy. Additionally, commonly used antiemetic drugs can produce significant side effects, such as sedation. Nevertheless, antiemetic prophylaxis may be justified in those patients who are at greater risk for developing PONV. Such therapy is often given to patients with a history of motion sickness, as well as those undergoing gynecologic procedures, inner-ear procedures, oral surgery (in which the jaws are occluded by wires, causing a high risk of breathing in vomitus), operations on the ear or eye, and plastic surgery (to avoid disruption of delicate surgical work).

Many different antiemetic drugs are available for the treatment of PONV. Researchers have found it difficult to interpret the results of antiemetic drug studies because the severity of PONV and the response to therapeutic agents can be influenced by many other variables. Even when the same drugs are used in a homogeneous population undergoing the same procedure, the severity of emesis varies from individual to individual.

Because antiemetic drugs have differing sites of action, better results can be obtained by using a multidrug approach. If a combination of drugs with similar sites of action is used, however, the incidence of side effects may be increased. There is little data regarding combination antiemetic prophylaxis or therapy for PONV. Drug combinations have been avoided in postsurgical patients because of concerns about additive central nervous system toxicity. One exception is the combination of low-dose droperidol and metoclopramide, which appears to be more effective than droperidol alone for outpatient gynecologic procedures.

Although a full stomach is best avoided before any operative procedure, in certain situations, such as emergencies, where danger from vomiting is acute, a rapid sequence of administering anesthesia (induction) and clearing the air passage (intubation) remains the method of choice to avoid nausea and vomiting in patients with a full stomach. After the procedure, it is recommended that the patient minimize movement to avoid nausea and vomiting. It has been found that avoiding solid food for at least eight hours after a surgical procedure is helpful in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting.

Perspective and Prospects

Though it has existed for as long as there have been human beings, the symptom of nausea has never received much attention in healthcare practice or research. In fact, until the early 1970s, the sensation was frequently dismissed as merely a passing phenomenon. The rationale for this dismissal was most likely the knowledge that nausea is self-limiting (it always passes with time); is never life-threatening in itself; is probably psychogenic in nature, at least to some degree; and, being subjective, is very difficult to measure. In addition, in the past, the most predictable nausea was related to pregnancy, which may also explain the lack of attention.

Until the late 1980s, there was still little research being conducted on nausea associated with pregnancy, although it is a common symptom. The historical lack of interest in nausea and vomiting during pregnancy may be traced to the fact that because the symptoms generally persist only through the first trimester, healthcare professionals have viewed the problem as relatively insignificant. As more pregnant women work outside the home in demanding positions, however, they have exhibited less tolerance for illness. Demands on the healthcare industry and on personal physicians for more research and effective treatment have become more widespread.

While it is surprising that nausea has received scant attention in the history of clinical research, it is even more astonishing that vomiting, an observable behavior, has received so little attention as well. Although vomiting is a primitive neurologic process that has remained almost unchanged in the evolution of animals, the mechanisms that regulate the behavior remain virtually unknown.

One reason for the paucity of information about nausea, in particular, stems from the lack of a reliable animal model. This fact has hampered research aimed at establishing the etiological basis for nausea and its relationship to vomiting. While some species of lower animals, such as rats, cannot vomit, it is not known whether they experience the phenomenon of nausea. Thus, no effective means of measuring nausea in lower animals has been devised.

Since the early 1970s, there has been a noticeable increase in research on nausea as a drug side effect because it is so frequently seen in chemotherapy treatment for cancer. As more powerful chemotherapy agents and aggressive combinations were clinically investigated, patients began to experience severe, potentially life-threatening nausea and vomiting. Older drugs, such as antihistamines, phenothiazines, and benzodiazepines are still used for their antiemetic characteristics, but they are augmented by newer agents, such as benzamides, neurokinin-1-receptor antagonists, and serotonin antagonists.

Another interesting branch of scientific investigation has begun exploring alternative ways of managing these symptoms. Behavioral interventions, such as progressive muscle relaxation, biofeedback, imagery, and music therapy, have been used to alleviate postchemotherapy anxiety. These methods may also be used to treat other patients suffering from the symptoms of nausea and vomiting, such as pregnant women.

Another noninvasive, nonpharmacologic measure that has been considered in the relief of nausea and vomiting is transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). Several research studies indicate that TENS may be useful in alleviating chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting, including delayed nausea and vomiting. Side effects from using TENS units are negligible, and with further study they may prove to be an acceptable, helpful relief measure.


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Hesketh, Paul J., ed. Management of Nausea and Vomiting in Cancer and Cancer Treatment. Jones, 2005.

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