Prenatal diagnosis

SIGNIFICANCE: Tests ranging from ultrasound and maternal blood tests to testing fetal cells from the amniotic fluid or placenta are performed to detect genetic disorders that the fetus may have. Although tests may show the absence of specific genetic defects, the detection of a genetic defect can produce an ethical dilemma for the parents and their physician.

Prenatal Testing

Prenatal testing is administered to a large number of women, and the tests are becoming more informative. Some of the tests are only mildly invasive to the mother, but others involve obtaining fetal cells. Some are becoming routine for all pregnant women; others are offered only when an expectant mother meets a certain set of criteria. Some physicians will not offer the testing (especially the more invasive procedures). Others will order testing, believing that test results will give the parents time to prepare themselves for a baby with special needs. The test results are also used to determine whether additional medical teams should be present at the delivery to deal with a newborn who is not normal and healthy. Most often, prenatal testing is offered if the mother is age thirty-five or older, if a particular disorder is present in relatives on one or both sides of the family, or if the parents have already had a child with a genetic disorder.

Maternal Blood Tests and Ultrasound

Screening maternal blood for the presence of alpha fetoprotein (AFP) is offered to pregnant women who are about eighteen weeks into a pregnancy. Although AFP is produced by the fetal liver, some will cross the placenta into the mother’s blood. Elevated levels of AFP can indicate an open neural tube defect (such as spina bifida), although it can also indicate twins. Unusual AFP findings are usually followed up by ultrasound examination of the fetus.

Other tests of maternal blood measure the amounts of two substances that are produced by the fetal part of the placenta: hCG and UE3. Lower-than-average levels of AFP and UE3, combined with a higher-than-average amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), increases the risk that the woman is carrying a fetus with Down syndrome (trisomy 21). For example, a nineteen-year-old woman has a baseline risk of conceiving a fetus with Down syndrome of 1 in 1,193. When blood-test results show low AFP and UE3 along with high hCG, the probability of Down syndrome rises to 1 in 145.

During an ultrasound examination, sound waves are bounced off the fetus from an emitter placed on the surface of the mother’s abdomen or in her vagina. They are used to make a picture of the fetus on a television monitor. Measurements on the monitor can often be used to determine the overall size, the head size, and the sex of the fetus, and whether all the arms and legs are formed and of the proper length. Successive ultrasound tests will indicate if the fetus is growing normally. Certain ultrasound findings, such as shortened long bones, may indicate an increased probability for a baby with Down syndrome. Because Down syndrome is a highly variable condition, normal ultrasound findings do not guarantee that the child will be born without Down syndrome. Only a chromosome analysis can determine this for certain.

Amniocentesis, Karyotyping, and FISH

Amniocentesis is the process of collecting fetal cells from the amniotic fluid. Fetal cells collected by amniocentesis can be grown in culture; then the fluid around the cells is collected and analyzed for enzymes produced by the cells. If an enzyme is missing (as in the case of Tay-Sachs disease), the fetus may be diagnosed with the disorder before birth. Because disorders such as Tay-Sachs disease are untreatable and fatal, a woman who has had one Tay-Sachs child may not wish to give birth to another. Early diagnosis of a second Tay-Sachs fetus may prompt the mother to terminate the pregnancy.

Chromosomes in the cells obtained by amniocentesis may be stained to produce a karyotype. In a normal karyotype, the chromosomes will be present in pairs. If the fetus has Down syndrome (trisomy 21), there will be three copies of chromosome 21. Other types of chromosome abnormalities that also appear in karyotypes are changes within a single chromosome. If a chromosome has lost a piece, it is said to contain a deletion. Large deletions will be obvious when a karyotype is analyzed because the chromosome will appear smaller than normal. Sometimes the deletion is so small that it is not visible on a karyotype.

If chromosome analysis is needed early in pregnancy before the volume of amniotic fluid is large enough to permit amniocentesis, the mother and doctor may opt for chorionic villus sampling (CVS). The embryo produces fingerlike projections (villi) into the uterine lining. Because these projections are produced by the embryo, their cells will have the same chromosome number as the rest of the embryonic cells. After growing in culture, the cells may be karyotyped in the same way as those obtained by amniocentesis. Both amniocentesis and CVS carry risks of infection and miscarriage. Normally, these procedures are not offered unless the risk of having an affected child is found to be greater than the risk of complications from the procedures.

If the doctor is convinced that the fetus has a tiny chromosomal defect that is not visible on a karyotype, it will then be necessary to probe (or “FISH”) the fetal chromosomes; the initials “FISH” stand for fluorescence in situ hybridization. A chromosome probe is a piece of DNA that is complementary to DNA within a gene. Complementary pieces of DNA will stick together (hybridize) when they come in contact. The probe also has an attached molecule that will glow when viewed under fluorescent light. A probe for a particular gene will stick to the part of the chromosome where the gene is located and make a glowing spot. If the gene is not present because it has been lost, no spot will appear. Probes have been developed for many individual genes that cause developmental abnormalities when they are deleted from the chromosomes.

Cells obtained by amniocentesis can be probed in less time than it takes to grow and prepare them for karyotyping. Probes have been developed for the centromeres of the chromosomes that are frequently present in extra copies, such as 13, 18, 21, X, and Y. Y chromosomes that have been probed appear as red spots, X chromosomes as green spots, and number 18 chromosomes as aqua spots. A second set of probes attached to other cells from the same fetus will cause number 13 chromosomes to appear as green spots and number 21 chromosomes to appear as red spots. Cells from a girl with trisomy 21 would have two green spots and two aqua spots, but no red spot when the first set of probes is used. Some other cells from the same girl will show two red spots, but three green ones, when the second set of probes is used.

Tests for many more genetic defects using advanced molecular genetics tests have been developed. DNA can be isolated from fetal cells, obtained by one of the methods already described, which is then probed for single gene defects. Hundreds of potential genetic defects can be detected in this way, although only a few such tests are generally available. Some of these tests can also be done on the parents to determine the risk of disease to their future offspring.

Only a limited number of prenatal tests that can provide information on potential problems are available. Another barrier to their use is their high cost. Costs will likely drop in the future as the tests are perfected and are used more widely. Researchers are also looking for new forms of testing that have the potential to be less invasive and/or less costly. For instance, once researchers discovered that fetal cells are present in the mother's blood, a new test was developed in the early 2020s that tests a blood sample from the mother. These tests can identify a number of potential health risks for the fetus. Tests may be performed on the parents to determine whether they are carriers of certain genetic diseases.

Impact and Applications

Until the development of prenatal techniques, an expectant parent had to wait until delivery day to find out the sex of their child and whether the baby had any genetic or congenital abnormalities. Much more information has become available to parents and doctors months before birth. Even though tests are not available for all possible birth defects, normal blood tests, karyotypes, or FISH can be very comforting. On the other hand, abnormal test results give parents definite information about birth defects, as opposed to the possibilities inherent in a statement of risk. The parents must decide whether to continue the pregnancy. If they do, they must then prepare to care for a child with special needs. When properly administered, the test results are explained by a genetic counselor who is also equipped to help the parents deal with the strong emotions that such news can produce.

Key terms

  • amniotic fluidthe liquid that surrounds the developing fetus
  • neural tubethe embryonic structure that becomes the brain and spinal cord
  • placentaan organ composed of both fetal and maternal tissue through which the fetus is nourished
  • trisomythe presence of three copies (instead of two) of a particular chromosome in a cell


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Carlson, Laura M., and Neeta L. Vora. "Prenatal Diagnosis." Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America, vol. 44, no. 2, June 2017, pp. 245–256, doi: 10.1016/j.ogc.2017.02.004. Accessed 30 Aug. 2024.

Coady, Anne Marie, and Sarah Bower, eds. Twining's Textbook of Fetal Abnormalities. 3rd ed. Churchill Livingstone, 2014.

De Crespigny, Lachlan, and Frank Chervenak. Prenatal Tests: The Facts. Oxford UP, 2006.

Evans, Mark I., et al., eds. Prenatal Diagnosis. McGraw-Hill Medical, 2006.

Heyman, Bob, and Mette Henriksen. Risk, Age, and Pregnancy: A Case Study of Prenatal Genetic Screening and Testing. Palgrave, 2001.

McConkey, Edwin H. Human Genetics: The Molecular Revolution. Jones and Bartlett, 1993.

Milunsky, Aubrey, and Jeff M. Milunsky, eds. Genetic Disorders and the Fetus: Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment. 8th ed. Wiley-Blackwell, 2021.

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Petrikovsky, Boris M., ed. Fetal Disorders: Diagnosis and Management. Wiley-Liss, 1999.

Pilu, Gianluigi, and Kypros H. Nicolaides. Diagnosis of Fetal Abnormalities: The 18-23-Week Scan. Parthenon Group, 1999.

Rodeck, Charles H., and Martin J. Whittle, eds. Fetal Medicine: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Churchill Livingstone, 1999.

Traeger-Synodinos Joanne. "Chapter 8: New Developments in Prenatal Diagnosis." In Prevention of Thalassaemias and Other Haemoglobin Disorders: Volume 1: Principles [Internet]. 2nd edition, edited by John Old, Thalassaemia International Federation, 2013, Accessed 30 Aug. 2024.

Weaver, David D., and Ira K. Brandt. Catalog of Prenatally Diagnosed Conditions. 3rd ed. Johns Hopkins UP, 1999.