Treatment of protozoan diseases


Treatment for protozoan diseases involves therapy to manage infections caused by living, single-cell, parasitic, and eukaryotic organisms known as protozoa.


Common Protozoan Diseases

Common protozoan diseases are malaria, amebiasis, toxoplasmosis, and trichomoniasis, which, along with their treatment protocols, are discussed here.

Malaria. Malaria is a deadly disease resulting from human contact with protozoa passed by the female Anopheles mosquito. The four infective species of protozoan Plasmodium that can result in malaria include P. vivax, the most common and debilitating; P. falciparum, which has the most severe symptoms and has a 10 percent fatality rate; and P. malariae and P. ovale, which are confined to Africa and are the least common. In addition, P. vivax and P. ovale can hide in the liver for months or years and can produce relapses.

The pharmacological treatment of malaria can include chemoprophylaxis, or antimalarial medications, taken before a person travels to a geographic area at high risk for malaria; drugs administered during an acute attack; and drug therapy taken to prevent a relapse of illness. Chemoprophylaxis drugs are taken one week before travel to an infested (or endemic) area, during the stay there, and for one to four weeks after return from travel. The primary medication prescribed for chemoprophylaxis is chloroquine (Aralen). If the infected person cannot take this drug, combinations of drugs such as atovaquone-proguanil (Malarone); mefloquine (Lariam), which is used by pregnant women; doxycycline; and primaquine may be prescribed. The newest malaria medication recommended by the CDC is artemether-lumefantrine (Coartem) which has become popular due to its fast onset of action. Coartem is approved for the treatment and not the prevention of malaria.

The treatment of a person with acute malaria is based on the extent of infection. The earlier the treatment occurs in the course of the infection, the more likely therapy is to be successful. Because malarial symptoms can mimic a common cold, infected persons often delay seeing a healthcare provider for treatment or are often misdiagnosed.

The first choice of pharmacological treatment for acute malaria is chloroquine, which interrupts the erythocytic stage of the infection and breaks the life cycle of the protozoan. If there is resistance to this drug, alternates are primaquine, mefloquine, quine sulfate, and atovaquone-proguanil. Antibiotics such as doxycyclin, clindamycin, and tetracycline (except in pregnant women) may also be administered. If infected persons have illnesses that are more progressed, they can be administered quinidine gluconate intravenously in combination with the foregoing antibiotics.

Chloroquine, the primary medication used to treat malaria, is contraindicated in persons with retinal problems because it can cause irreversible damage to the retina when given in high doses. Intermittent visual screening is indicated. Because the drug is metabolized in the liver, persons with compromised liver function, such as in alcoholism, should use this drug with caution. People with a history of hematologic disease should consider an alternate drug choice, because chloroquine can cause blood dyscrasias. As with all medications, drug interactions should be considered before therapy begins.

Amebiasis. Amebiasis, a protozoan disease caused by the ingestion of Entamoeba histolytica, usually occurs in the human digestive system. However, amebiasis can spread through colon ulcers to other parts of the body, including the liver. People living in countries outside the United States where drinking water is contaminated by poor sanitation are most likely to be infected.

Pharmacological treatment for amebiasis includes combination therapies of two or more drugs to ensure effective treatment. Metronidazole is the drug of choice, taken with an opioid to control diarrhea. Antibiotics such as chloroquine and tetracycline may be given. Paromomycin and iodoquinol can be used when the infection is limited to the intestine. Therapy is continued until consecutive stools test negative for the protozoa.

Toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii. Cats host this parasitic organism, which can transfer to humans through feces in litter boxes or soil or on vegetables. Pregnant women are at highest risk for toxoplasmosis during the first two trimesters of pregnancy.

The pharmacological treatment of choice for toxoplasmosis includes four to five weeks of pyrimethamine, given in combination with sulfadiazine. Caution should be used with persons who have megaloblastic anemia because these drugs are folic-acid inhibitors.

Trichomoniasis. Trichomoniasis, or trich, is a protozoan disease that is transmitted sexually by T. vaginalis. As many as 50 percent of infected persons are asymptomatic.

A single dose of metronidazole (Flagyl) is an effective treatment. If the person experiences gastrointestinal upset, a lower dose of metronidazole can be used for seven days. Pharmacological treatment should also be given to any sexual partners of the infected person.


Although some protozoa cause minimal disease and are asymptomatic, others result in devastating illness and even death. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2024, there were 263 million cases of malaria in 2023 and 597,000 deaths. About 94 percent of these cases were in Africa. Amebiasis kills from 40,000 to 110,000 people per year, according to an article published by the National Library of Medicine in 2023. Trichomoniasis is more common in women than in men, but only about 30 percent develop symptoms. There are about one million new cases in the United States per year, according to Infectious Disease Clinics of North America (2023).

Though rare, stillbirth and spontaneous abortion can occur if a pregnant woman becomes infected; cognitive disabilities, blindness, and epilepsy may result in newborns. Some protozoan diseases affect the health of both unborn fetuses and newborn infants; toxoplasmosis can cause stillbirth.


Adams, Michael P., and Robert W. Koch. “Pharmacotherapy of Protozoan and Helminthic Infections.” In Pharmacology: Connections to Nursing Practice. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2010.

“CDC - Malaria - Diagnosis & Treatment (United States) - Treatment (U.S.) - Guidelines for Clinicians." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 14 Feb. 2023,‗treatment/clinicians1.html. Accessed 3 Mar. 2023.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Guidelines for Treatment of Malaria in the United States.”

"Malaria." World Health Organization (WHO), 11 Dec. 2024, Accessed 4 Feb. 2024.

‗‗‗‗‗‗‗. “Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Malaria: Haiti—2010.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 59 (October 29, 2010): 1372-1373.

Sheorey, Harsha, John Walker, and Beverley-Ann Biggs. Clinical Parasitology. Carlton South, Vic.: Melbourne University Press, 2000.

Van Gerwen, Olivia T., et al. "Trichomoniasis." Infectious Disease Clinics of North America, vol. 37, no. 2, June 2023, pp. 245-265, Accessed 4 Feb. 2025.

Zulfiqar, Hassam, George Mathew, and Shawn Horrall. "Amebiasis." StatPearls, National Library of Medicine, 25 June 2023, Accessed 4 Feb. 2025.