Aegean Sea in the Ancient World

Aigaion (Turkish Ege)


The sea between Greece and Asia Minor (Asiatic Turkey), with Crete as its southernmost point. It includes a remarkable number of islands, including, especially, the Cyclades, Northern and Southern Sporades, and large islands adjoining Greece (Euboea) and western Asia Minor (Lesbos, Chios, to the south; Samos and Rhodes to the southeast; while Crete lies in the Cretan Sea). The name Aegean is variously derived from the city of Aegae in Aeolis (Nemrud Kalesi) or from the Amazonian queen Aegea or Theseus' father Aegeus, both of whom were believed to have drowned themselves in the sea. The term Aegean Civilization is sometimes used for the Bronze Age cultures of the region (Minoan, Cycladic, Helladic [including Mycenaean] and Troadic [Trojan]).