Daniel Ninham

  • Born: c. 1710
  • Birthplace: Unknown
  • Died: August 31, 1778
  • Place of death: Kingsbridge, New York

Category: Tribal chief

Tribal affiliation: Mahican

Significance: Daniel Ninham sought the return of lands belonging to the Mahicans and fought on the colonial side during the American Revolution

Daniel Ninham was a leader of a Mahican band in Westenhuck, New York, who allied with Sir William Johnson and the British against the French in the last of several colonial wars in North America (1754-1763). He took part in the Battle of Lake George, September 8, 1755.


As the war with France neared its conclusion, Ninham traveled to England with other native leaders, principally Connecticut Mohegans, to seek return of lands they contended had been illegally taken by British colonists. The American Revolution intervened, and the legal actions filed by Ninham and others never were heard in court. Ninham joined the American Patriots during the American Revolutionary War and was killed fighting on their behalf at Kingsbridge, New York, August 31, 1778.