Jorge Teillier


  • Born: June 24, 1935
  • Birthplace: Lautauro, Cautín, Chile
  • Died: April 29, 1996
  • Place of death: Santiago, Chile


Jorge Teillier was born on June 24, 1935, in Lautauro, Chile. He was the grandson of French settlers in Chile and the eldest of six siblings. At the age of four, Teillier, who could already read and write, began attending school, When he was twelve he began to write his own verse, having been influenced by writers such as Jules Verne and Robert Louis Stevenson.

Teillier went to the University of Chile to study history. After a brief stint as a teacher, he became editor of the university literary journal Boletin de la Universidad de Chile. In 1956, he published his first book of poetry, Para ángeles y gorriones. Following this publication, Teillier’s career exploded and he became part of a group of writers known as the Generation of the 1950’s. This group included writers such as Miguel Arteche, Alberto Rubio, and Enrique Lihn whose works focused on Surrealist imagery and social statements. The writers detached themselves from the earlier Second Vanguard poetry popularized by the Generation of 1938.

Teillier’s books of poetry include El cielo cae con hojas (1958), Actualidad de Vincente Huidobro (1964), Poemas secretos (1966), Muertes y maravillas (1971), Para un pueblo fantasma (1978), and La isla del tesoro (1996). Some of his poems have been translated into English and published in the collections From the Country of Nevermore: Selected Poems (1990) and In Order to Talk with the Dead: Selected Poems (1993).

Throughout his distinguished career, Teillier has been acknowledged by awards such as the Municipal Prize in poetry (1961), the Alerce Prize of the Society of Writers of Chile, the Eduardo Anguita Prize of the University Press, and the National Council of Books and Reading award for the best book of poetry. In edition to the English-language collections of his works, Teillier’s poetry has been translated into French, Italian, Swedish, and Romanian. Teillier died on April 29, 1996, in Santiago, Chile.