Louise Cooper

Fiction Writer

  • Born: May 29, 1952
  • Birthplace: Hertfordshire, England
  • Died: October 20, 2009


Destined to be a writer, Louise Cooper began authoring stories as a child, and even during school, her focus was on her writing, not on what was being taught at the front of the classroom. Upon convincing her parents to let her leave school at age fifteen, she had already finished two “embarrassingly bad novels,” and she worked as a secretary while still writing at every moment possible. This dedication resulted in the publication of her first novel, The Book of Paradox, when the author was only twenty years old.

Cooper moved to London in 1975, where she found work composing blurbs for paperback books, and after her sixth book was published, Cooper left publishing to write full time, while bringing in supplemental income through freelance copyediting and proofreading. A suggestion from her agent jump-started Cooper’s career in 1984, when Cooper returned to her second book, Lord of No Time, and further developed it into the successful Time Master trilogy. Numerous fantasy novels followed in the next decade, as did books for young adults and children.

In 1994, Louise Cooper met future husband Cas Sandall, an artist and former Merchant Navy officer. The two moved to Cornwall in 1998, where Cooper had dreamed of living since childhood.