Magna Carta

The Law: Royal charter sealed by King John of England expressly granting certain feudal liberties to his vassals and the Church

Date: Signed in 1215

Significance: The first written recognition of obligations between a monarch and his subjects, the Magna Carta set legal precedents resulting in the weakening of monarchical power and expansion of individual rights, exerting a significant influence upon the British and American legal systems.

The Magna Carta, or Great Charter, was one of the first documents in the history of Western civilization to acknowledge individual liberties. Drafted by English nobility and sealed by King John under threat of revolt, the document gave credence to the notion of human rights and the obligation of a government to its citizens. Although initially concerned with relationships between the king, his lords, and clerics, the provisions of the charter took on greater significance as feudal rights were extended to all English citizens. Thus the article requiring new taxes to be approved by a council of nobles resulted in the creation of the English Parliament, and the clause prohibiting the punishment of a lord “except by the legal judgment of his peers or the law of the land” gave rise to the legal concepts of due process and trial by jury.


The legacy of the Magna Carta passed down through English common law to become an integral part of the legal system and governmental structure of the United States. The US Congress was modeled on the bicameral British Parliament, and many of the provisions of the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth amendment to the US Constitution, such as the right to due process, trial by jury, and habeas corpus can be traced back to the Magna Carta.


Arlidge, Anthony, and Igor Judge. Magna Carta Uncovered. Oxford: Hart, 2014. Print.

Bowen, Frances, ed. Documents of the Constitution of England and America: From Magna Charta to the Federal Constitution of 1789. Buffalo: Hein, 1993. Print.

Danziger, Danny, and John Gillingham. 1215: The Year of Magna Carta. New York: Touchstone, 2003. Print.

Daugherty, James. Magna Charta. Sandwich: Beautiful Feet, 1998. Print.

Hindley, Geoffrey. A Brief History of the Magna Carta. Boston: Little, 2013. Print.

Vincent, Nicholas. Magna Carta: The Foundation of Freedom 1215–2015. London: Third Millennium, 2014. Print.