Ninigret (chief)

Category: Tribal chief

Tribal affiliation: Niantic

Significance: Ninigret was sachem of the eastern branch of the Niantic of southern Connecticut; he skillfully avoided being drawn into the seventeenth century wars between the Indians and the English settlers

In the early 1630’s, Ninigret was principal sachem of the eastern branch of the Niantics. The Eastern Niantics occupied the coastal region of western Rhode Island and were subject to the more numerous and powerful Narragansetts, to whom they paid tribute. Ninigret was notable for struggling to preserve his independence from the British while avoiding a war with them such as destroyed other New England tribes. He joined the British Mohegan-Narragansett attack on the Pequots in 1636-1637, but in the 1640’s Ninigret repeatedly clashed with British authorities for his support of the Narragansetts in their war with the Mohegans. In 1653-1654, Niantic attacks on the Montauks of Long Island brought more disputes with colonial authorities, and a small British army invaded Niantic country to chastise Ninigret. He evaded contact by hiding in swamps with his people. During King Philip’s War of 1675-1676, Ninigret avoided participation until the later stages of the conflict, when his Niantics assisted the British. In contrast, the Narragansetts had chosen to fight the British and suffered terrible losses. Regarded by the British as a schemer, Ninigret was a cunning survivor who recognized the reality of British power and reluctantly accommodated himself to it.
