Pleasant Porter

  • CATEGORY: Chief, educator
  • SIGNIFICANCE: As a principal chief, Pleasant Porter sought acculturation and accommodation with White people

Pleasant Porter, the grandson of a Creek chief, Tulope Tustunugee, also had Black ancestry. His father was Anglo-American, and his mother was of mixed Creek ancestry. Born in Alabama, he moved to Indian Territory and became a respected leader. During the Civil War, along with most Creeks, he supported the Confederacy, becoming a lieutenant in the Confederate Second Creek Regiment. He was wounded in battle.


After the war, he was active in tribal politics, leading a faction of mixed-blood Creeks who supported an imposed constitutional government and acculturation to White customs. He served as a prominent member of the Council of the Creek Nation, and in that capacity, he traveled on several occasions to Washington, DC. Porter was also a Creek school superintendent for nearly twenty years after the Civil War, establishing an exemplary Creek educational system.

In 1889, Porter supported the Dawes Commission in ceding Creek lands to the United States (US) for White settlers. In 1902, he ceded all Creek lands to support the allotment system, by which individual tribal members would receive private allotments. He was the principal chief when Indian Territory became Oklahoma in 1907. He died of a stroke in the same year. Porter’s legacy has both positive and negative attributes, representing his complexity as an individual and Indigenous American. He advocated for the increased education of Indigenous Peoples, sought to preserve Creek culture and traditions, and understood the importance of negotiating with the US government. Further, he advocated Indigenous statehood. However, many view Porter as being too acquiescing to the US government and criticize his support of the allotment system. 


"Pleasant Porter, Chief of the Creek Indian Nation." The Gateway to Oklahoma History, Accessed 28 Sept. 2024.

"Porter, Pleasant - The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture." Oklahoma Historical Society, Accessed 28 Sept. 2024.