Richard II by William Shakespeare
"Richard II," a historical play by William Shakespeare, explores the tumultuous reign of King Richard II of England and the political intrigue surrounding his rule. The narrative begins with a public dispute between two nobles, Henry Bolingbroke and Thomas Mowbray, which Richard attempts to resolve, showcasing his initial desire to maintain order and impartiality. However, the king’s decisions, including the banishment of both dukes, set off a chain of events that lead to his eventual downfall.
As Richard's reign progresses, he faces increasing discontent from the nobility, exacerbated by his extravagant spending and mismanagement of resources. The death of John of Gaunt, Richard's uncle, marks a turning point, as Richard seizes Gaunt's lands to fund his wars in Ireland. Bolingbroke, returning from exile with popular support, challenges Richard's authority, leading to a power struggle that culminates in Richard's capture and abdication. The play poignantly depicts themes of power, legitimacy, and the responsibilities of leadership, concluding with the tragic death of Richard, orchestrated by Bolingbroke, who becomes Henry IV. This rich tapestry of loyalty, betrayal, and the tragic consequences of ambition continues to resonate with audiences and reflects the complexities of governance and human nature.
Richard II by William Shakespeare
First produced: ca. 1595–96; first published, 1600
Type of work: Drama
Type of plot: Historical
Time of plot: Fourteenth century
Locale: England
Principal Characters
Richard II , the king of EnglandJohn of Gaunt , the duke of Lancaster, Richard’s uncleEdmund of Langley , the duke of York, another uncle of RichardHenry Bolingbroke , the duke of Hereford and the son of John of GauntThe Duke of Aumerle , son of the duke of YorkThomas Mowbray , the duke of NorfolkThe Earl of Northumberland , a supporter of Bolingbroke
The Story
During the reign of Richard II, the two young dukes Henry Bolingbroke and Thomas Mowbray quarrel bitterly, and the king finally summons them into his presence to settle their differences publicly. Although Bolingbroke is the eldest son of John of Gaunt, the duke of Lancaster, and therefore a cousin of the king, Richard is perfectly fair in his interview with the two men and shows neither any favoritism.

Bolingbroke accuses Mowbray, the duke of Norfolk, of mismanaging military funds and of helping to plot the murder of the dead duke of Gloucester, another of the king’s uncles. Mowbray forcefully denies the charges. Richard decides that to settle the dispute, the men should have a trial by combat at Coventry, and the court adjourns there to witness the tournament.
Richard, ever nervous and suspicious, grows uneasy as the contest begins. Suddenly, just after the beginning trumpet sounds, the king forbids that the combat take place. Instead, he banishes the two men from the country. Bolingbroke is to be exiled for six years and Mowbray for the rest of his life. At the same time, Richard demands that they promise they will never plot against him. Persisting in his accusations, Bolingbroke tries to persuade Mowbray to plead guilty to the charges before he leaves England. Mowbray, refusing to do so, warns Richard against Bolingbroke’s cleverness.
Not long after his son is banished, John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, becomes ill and sends for Richard to give him advice. Although the duke of York points out to him that giving advice to Richard is too often a waste of time, John of Gaunt feels that perhaps the words of a dying man will be heeded where those of a living one would not. From his deathbed, he criticizes Richard for extravagance and for mishandling the public funds and impoverishing the nation. He warns Richard also that the kingdom will suffer for the monarch’s selfishness.
Richard pays no attention to his uncle’s advice, and after John of Gaunt dies, the king seizes his lands and wealth to back his Irish wars. The aged duke of York, another of Richard’s uncles, attempts to dissuade him from his course, pointing out that Bolingbroke has influence among the people. York’s fears are soon confirmed. Bolingbroke, hearing that his father’s lands have been seized by the king’s officers, uses the information as an excuse to terminate his banishment. Gathering together troops and supplies, he lands in the north of England, where he is joined by other dissatisfied lords, including Lord Ross, Lord Willoughby, the earl of Northumberland, and the earl’s son, Henry Percy, known as Hotspur.
Richard, heedless of all warnings, has set off for Ireland to pursue his war, leaving his tottering kingdom in the hands of the weak duke of York, who is no match for the wily Bolingbroke. When the exiled traitor reaches Gloucestershire, the duke of York visits him at his camp. Caught between loyalty to Richard and despair over the bankrupt state of the country, York finally yields his troops to Bolingbroke. Richard, returning to England and expecting to find an army of Welshmen under his command, learns that after hearing false reports of his death they have gone over to Bolingbroke. Moreover, the strong men of his court—including the earl of Wiltshire, Bushy, and Green—have all been executed.
Destitute of friends and without an army, Richard takes refuge in Flint Castle. Bolingbroke, using his usurped titles and estates as his excuse, takes Richard prisoner and carries him to London. There Richard breaks down. He shows little interest in anything and spends his time philosophizing on his downfall. When he is brought before Bolingbroke and the cruel and unfeeling earl of Northumberland, Richard is forced to abdicate his throne and sign papers confessing his political crimes. Bolingbroke, assuming royal authority, orders Richard imprisoned in the Tower of London.
During a quarrel among the young dukes of the court, the bishop of Carlisle announces that Mowbray made a name for himself while fighting in the Holy Land and then retired to Venice, where he died. When Bolingbroke affects grief over the news, the bishop turns on him and denounces him for his part in ousting Richard. Bolingbroke, armed with the legal documents he has collected to prove his rights, prepares to assume the throne as Henry IV. Richard predicts to the earl of Northumberland that Bolingbroke will soon come to distrust his old aide for his part in unseating a king. Soon after that, Richard is sent to the dungeons at Pomfret Castle, and his queen is banished to France.
At the duke of York’s palace, the aging duke sorrowfully relates to his duchess the details of the coronation procession of Henry IV. When the duke discovers that his son, the duke of Aumerle, and other loyal followers of Richard are planning to assassinate Henry IV at Oxford, York immediately starts for the palace to warn the new monarch. The duchess, frantic at the thought of her son’s danger, advises Aumerle to reach the palace ahead of his father, reveal his treachery to the king, and ask for a royal pardon. She herself pleads for her son before the king and wins Aumerle’s release.
Having punished the conspirators, Henry IV grows uneasy at the prospect of other treasonable activities, for while Richard lives there is always danger that he might be restored to power. Henry IV suggests casually to his faithful servant Sir Pierce Exton that he murder Richard at Pomfret. Exton’s plan to carry out his king’s wish is successful. In his dungeon, Richard is provoked to quarrel with his guard, and in the struggle that ensues the guard draws his sword and strikes down his unhappy prisoner. He then places Richard’s body in a coffin, carries it to Windsor Castle, and there presents it to Henry IV. Distressed over the news of mounting insurrection in the country, King Henry pretends horror at the murder of Richard and vows to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land to atone for the death of his fallen cousin.
Batson, Beatrice, ed. Shakespeare’s Second Historical Tetralogy: Some Christian Features. West Cornwall: Locust Hill, 2004. Print.
Champion, Larry S. Perspective in Shakespeare's English Histories. Athens: U of Georgia P, 2011. Print.
Evans, Gareth Lloyd. The Upstart Crow: An Introduction to Shakespeare’s Plays. London: Dent, 1982. Print.
Farrell, Kirby, ed. Critical Essays on Shakespeare’s Richard II. New York: Hall, 1999. Print.
Findlay, Alison. “Good Sometimes Queen: Richard II, Mary Stuart, and the Poetics of Queenship.” Shakespeare’s Histories and Counter-Histories. Ed. Dermot Cavanagh, Stuart Hampton-Rees, and Stephen Longstaffe. New York: Manchester UP, 2011. 67–84. Print.
Lopez, Jeremy, ed. Richard II: New Critical Essays. New York: Routledge, 2012. Print.
Lucas, John. Shakespeare’s Second Tetralogy. London: Greenwich Exchange, 2007. Print.
Ribner, Irving. The English History Play in the Age of Shakespeare. Rev. ed. London: Routledge, 2005. Print.
Spiekerman, Tim. Shakespeare’s Political Realism: The English History Plays. Albany: State U of New York P, 2001. Print.