Sidonius Apollinaris

Related civilizations: Gaul, Imperial Rome

Major role/position: Bishop, senatorial office-holder, man of letters


A Christian and the son of a Gallic landowning family, Sidonius Apollinaris (si-DOH-nee-uhs uh-pahl-uh-NAR-uhs) enjoyed a classical Roman education in rhetoric and Roman tradition, preparing him for a public career. In 451 c.e., he married Papianilla, daughter of Eparchius Avitus. He entered imperial service in 455 c.e., when Avitus became the Western Augustus. His ability to use Latin panegyric to praise and publicize the Roman virtues of the emperor led to his reconciliation with Majorian in 458 c.e. and to the office of prefect of the city of Rome in 467 c.e. under Anthemius. Then in 469 c.e., the affairs of Gaul drew him home, and he was consecrated bishop of Clermont.


Romanized Clermont was caught up in the rivalries of the Burgundians and the expanding Ostrogoths. Sidonius worked for independence from both, and eventually he developed a working relationship with the Gothic court. He published nine books of his letters and twenty-four poems.


Sidonius’s poetry and letters are not great literature. They are typical rhetorical creations lacking originality and filled with stilted language and obscure phrases. They provide insight on the lives of the Gallic aristocracy and show how Sidonius used the Church as the vehicle to preserve the virtues of Roman tradition.


Drinkwater, J., and H. Elton, eds. Fifth Century Gaul: A Crisis of Identity? New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Harries, J. Sidonius Apollinaris and the Fall of Rome. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press, 1994.