American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression

Founded: 1990

Type of organization: Advocacy branch of the American Booksellers Association

Significance: This organization has worked for full First Amendment protections of the arts, publishing, and Internet computer communications

The ABFFE was founded to serve as the free expression arm of the American Booksellers Association (ABA), a national organization founded in 1901 to serve bookstores and sellers. The foundation’s mission was to ensure full First Amendment protections of people in the bookselling industry. The ABFFE has been active in all areas of First Amendment issues. In 1996 for example, it worked with similar groups to protest the Communications Decency Act of 1996, which proposed to regulate many forms of expression on the Internet.


Dedicated to the principle that booksellers and publishers cannot be held responsible for criminal acts, the ABFFE has stood ready to support individual book retailers who face censorship challenges because of what they sell. At the ABA conferences it has held panel discussions on free speech issues. ABFFE has also been a strong supporter of Banned Books Week and it has produced information supplies to aid bookstores in increasing awareness on the subject.