Public information office

Definition: An office within the Supreme Court administration that provides general information about the Court and its justices to the public.

Significance: The public information officer serves as a spokesperson for the Court.

The office was created in 1935 and is responsible for disseminating information about the Supreme Court and the justices, fielding questions from the public, and assisting the news media in covering the court. After orders and opinions of the Court are announced in open court, the public information office releases the information to the press. Information on special announcements regarding the Court or the justices is also issued by the public information office. The schedule of Court conferences and sessions, changes in Court policies, and the Court’s informal orders are normally placed on a bulletin board in the public information office.

The public information office maintains briefs, motions, responses, and petitions on all current cases for Court staff and the press to access. The office also serves as an intermediary between the press and all other offices of the Court, controls the access to the press section of the courtroom, and oversees dissemination of Court press credentials.

The press room, which adjoins the public information office, was expanded and modernized in 1982. It provides space for seventeen leading news organizations regularly covering the Court as well as space for other media.

The public information office also functions as an internal source of information and news for the Court through its publication of an employee newsletter, The Docket Sheet.