Wabash, St. Louis, and Pacific Railway Co. v. Illinois

Date: October 25, 1886

Citation: 118 U.S. 557

Issue: Regulation of interstate commerce

Significance: In striking down a state law regulating railroad pricing policies, the Supreme Court encouraged Congress to enact national standards.

During the second half of the nineteenth century, state legislatures used their police powers to regulate the intrastate commerce of railroads, and the railroads faced great confusion and inconsistencies as they crossed state lines. In 1852 the Supreme Court had ruled that states could enact indirect but not direct burdens on interstate commerce. In the Wabash case, the issue was an Illinois law that prohibited a difference between long-haul and short-haul rates, and the Court ruled that such rate regulations placed a direct burden on the federal commerce power. In response to the decision, Congress passed the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887, which established the first independent federal agency for regulating businesses. In the 1930’s, the Court gave up the direct versus indirect test in favor of a functional balancing approach.
