Canadian Reference Centre

Canadian Reference Centre is the largest collection of regional full-text content available to Canadian schools and libraries. The database includes leading Canadian and international periodicals, reference books (including Canadian Global Almanac), hundreds of full-text journals, and tens of thousands of biographies, plus thousands of images from the Canadian Press. In addition to these resources, Canadian Reference Centre provides full text for leading Canadian newspapers and newswires, including Canadian Press, The Guelph Mercury, The Hamilton Spectator, La Presse Canadienne (en Francais), The Record, and Toronto Star. To ensure easy access for students, educators, and librarians, the database can be accessed via EBSCOhost or Explora, EBSCO's dedicated interface for schools and public libraries.


Canadian Reference Centre: Main Edition

Designed for schools and libraries in Canada, Canadian Reference Centre: Main Edition is a full-text collection of hundreds of regional and international periodicals, reference books, and biographies. In addition to the full-text resources in the database, users can also access an image collection of nearly 2 million photographs, maps, and flags, along with hundreds of thousands of images from the Canadian Press. Students and library patrons can use Canadian Reference Centre: Main Edition to keep up with current Canadian events, and international content on Canada's global involvement also allows students to research the role of Canada in international affairs.


EBSCO is the leading provider of research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, e-books, and discovery service to libraries of all kinds. For more than seventy years, EBSCO has partnered with libraries to improve research with quality content and technology.