
Designed to meet the unique needs of students and educators, Explora supports both student research and classroom instruction with rich, reliable content and easy-to-use functionality. This simple interface ensures student and educator success by providing easy access to high-quality articles from reputable publishers, organized into easily browsable categories. Additional resources such as primary sources, topic overviews serving as starting points for any research project, and tens of thousands of videos from the Associated Press make Explora an essential tool for schools and libraries.


A Tailored Research Experience

Multiple versions of the Explora interface provide unique, age-appropriate content for primary schools, secondary schools and public libraries. Explora also includes an Educator’s Edition, which offers lesson plans, support materials, and professional development resources. Other features, such as filters for reading levels and text-to-speech services for HTML articles, allow educators to tailor EBSCO content to meet the needs of struggling readers, ESL students, and students with special learning needs.

User-Friendly Features

Explora’s simple search function quickly delivers relevant results including articles, essays, and primary source documents; users can save search results in password-protected folders, allowing them to easily pick up where they leave off. Students also enjoy the benefits of a colorful design with feature areas providing additional context to different topics, and can access Explora from anywhere due to its smooth compatibility with mobile devices.

Curriculum Standards Module

Explora’s Curriculum Standards Module allows educators to quickly correlate EBSCO content to curriculum standards across different subject areas. This module allows educators in the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand to optimize the incorporation of EBSCO resources into their respective curricula.


EBSCO is the leading provider of research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, e-books, and discovery service to libraries of all kinds. For more than seventy years, EBSCO has partnered with libraries to improve research with quality content and technology.