
Flipster is a user-friendly digital magazine newsstand for libraries, schools, and corporations. Flipster allows institutions to provide their readers with online access to a wide variety of popular titles from major publishers, including National Geographic, Condé Nast, Bloomberg LP, and many more. With over 1,600 titles to choose from on this award-winning platform, readers can access current issues of magazines covering diverse topics in academia, popular culture, science, the arts, and other areas. The Flipster App, available on both the Apple Store and Google Play, provides unlimited on-the-go access to digital magazines, and allows users to download articles for offline reading.


For Public Libraries

Flipster helps public libraries offer their members digital magazines for all types of needs and interests. Through Flipster, libraries are able to provide readers with access to premium digital content from a diverse group of top publishers, and ready-made Flipster promotional materials make it easy for libraries to inform their members of this service, and explain its features and benefits.

For Academic Libraries

Flipster provides students and faculty with a platform for accessing a wide-ranging selection of outstanding academic content. This platform is user-friendly and versatile, due to its hassle-free authentication and login processes and ability to support multiple simultaneous users.

For Schools

K-12 educators looking to engage their students via digital learning can incorporate Flipster’s wide selection of children and young adult magazines into their curricula, and take advantage of the platform’s educational publications and teacher’s guides to expand their own knowledge. Flipster’s flexibility makes it well-suited for both traditional and remote classrooms, and its features for tracking magazine usage can help educators determine how to improve their curricula to further incorporate digital resources.

For Corporate and Government

Flipster can help employers in both the private and public sectors stay up-to-date with current financial and industry news from a wide variety of leading publications, and can also complement existing employee benefits packages by providing employees with unlimited access to many popular and best-selling magazines.


EBSCO is the leading provider of research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, e-books, and discovery service to libraries of all kinds. For more than seventy years, EBSCO has partnered with libraries to improve research with quality content and technology.