Humanities Source

Humanities Source is a valuable full-text database covering literary, scholarly, and creative thought. It provides full text, indexing, and abstracts for the most noted scholarly sources in the humanities and includes a variety of resources ranging from full-text articles to reviews. The database covers a comprehensive range of subjects in the humanities, including art, literature, gender studies, linguistics, philosophy, and many more, and is ideal for students, researchers, and educators interested in all aspects of the humanities.


Humanities Full Text

Humanities Full Text provides full-text, abstracts, and bibliographic indexing of the most noted scholarly sources in the humanities, as well as specialized magazines. Drawing from hundreds of full text journals and magazines, this database covers all key fields of the humanities, including art, classical studies, dance, film, journalism, philosophy, religion and more.

Humanities International Complete

Humanities International Complete is a valuable collection for libraries looking to provide comprehensive coverage of the humanities with full-text, worldwide content pertaining to literary, scholarly, and creative thought, and offers full-text journals, books, and other published humanities sources from around the world. It includes all data from Humanities International Index, plus unique full-text content, much of which is not available in other databases.

Humanities Source

Humanities Source is ideal for students, researchers, and educators interested in all aspects of the humanities. This includes studies in art, history, communications, culture, literature, and philosophy, drawn from an expansive selection of nearly 1600 reliable journals, magazines, and other full-text sources. The database features articles, interviews, obituaries, bibliographies, original works of fiction, book reviews, and reviews of ballets, dance programs, motion pictures, musicals, operas, plays, and more.

Humanities Source Ultimate

Offering more peer-reviewed, full-text journals than any other database of its kind, Humanities Source Ultimate is a must-have resource for scholars and educators interested in all facets of the humanities. With a wider selection of peer-reviewed journals, magazines, and other resources than any other Humanities Source database, Humanities Source Ultimate provides the most comprehensive coverage available on a wide range of topics in the humanities. In addition, hundreds of English-language and native-language full-text journals from Asia, Oceania, Europe, and Latin America bring a global perspective to researching the human experience.


EBSCO is the leading provider of research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, e-books, and discovery service to libraries of all kinds. For more than seventy years, EBSCO has partnered with libraries to improve research with quality content and technology.