MAS Complete

MAS Complete is a comprehensive full-text database designed specifically for high school libraries. It provides hundreds of popular high school magazines and reference books, and covers a wide range of subjects such as art, history, sports, film, science, music and much more. The breadth of titles and subjects support student research as well as hobbies and general interest. MAS Complete also includes thousands of biographies and over 55,000 primary source documents, as well as an eBook Companion Collection of more than 250 individual titles. The MAS Complete collection of content also includes nearly 2 million photos, as well as diagrams such as maps and color PDFs.


Easy-to-use Interface with Powerful Search Functionality

MAS Complete is available via EBSCOhost or Explora, EBSCO's dedicated interface for schools and public libraries. Students can conduct basic searches by typing a keyword in a single search box or craft more advanced searches using limiters and other options. MAS Complete is also included as part of the Complete Online Package. This package offers the most comprehensive collection of full-text reference resources available for secondary schools. Consisting of six databases to support classroom success, it is designed not only for students, but also for the research needs of educators.

MAS High Search: Main Edition

Also designed specifically for high school libraries, MAS High Search: Main Edition is a full-text database of magazines and reference books covering many subjects, including history, science, and health. MAS High Search: Main Edition also provides full text for biographies and primary source documents, hundreds of reference books, and a vast image collection of photos, maps, flags and color PDFs.

MAS Ultra – School Edition

MAS Ultra – School Edition provides full text for top high-school magazines. All full-text articles are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles). It also includes full-text biographies, primary source documents, reference books, an image collection containing photos, maps, flags, and color PDFs, and expanded full-text backfiles (back to 1921) for key magazines.


EBSCO is the leading provider of research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, e-books, and discovery service to libraries of all kinds. For more than 70 years, EBSCO has partnered with libraries to improve research with quality content and technology.