Simon Wiesenthal Center

Founded: 1974

Type of organization: Center dedicated to preserving memories of the Holocaust

Significance: This international body is dedicated to defending human rights and Jewish people in particular with the goal that another Holocaust will never be able to happen

Founded by Holocaust survivor Simon Wiesenthal, this center is dedicated to the preservation of the memory of the Holocaust through education and awareness. Its supporters believe that if recollections of the atrocities committed by Germany during World War II are kept alive through knowledge and imagination such atrocities are not likely to be repeated. To this end the center organizes educational outreach programs, researches and compiles histories of the Holocaust, and publishes magazines and newsletters on the subject.


In 1993 the center opened the Beit Hashoah-Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles. This institution focuses on the Nazi Holocaust and offers interactive exhibits about racism and prejudice in America. The center has been involved in actively opposing groups that openly deny the Holocaust and many other supremacist organizations.