Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt

First published: 1996

Type of work: Memoir

Type of plot: Autobiographical

Time of plot: 1930-1949

Locale: New York City; Toome, Dublin, and Limerick, Ireland

Principal personages

  • Frank McCourt, the narrator
  • Angela Sheehan McCourt, his mother
  • Malachy McCourt, his father
  • Malachy, ,
  • Michael, and
  • Alphonsus (Alphie), his younger brothers
  • Eugene, ,
  • Oliver, and
  • Margaret, his deceased siblings
  • Margaret Sheehan, his maternal grandmother
  • Pat “The Abbot” Sheehan, his uncle
  • Aggie Keating, his aunt
  • Pa Keating, his uncle
  • Leman Griffin, Angela’s cousin

The Story:

Frank McCourt’s parents emigrate to New York separately in the late 1920’s, looking for work. McCourt’s father, Malachy McCourt, was from Toome, County Antrim, Ireland, and his mother, Angela Sheehan, was from Limerick. They had five children while living in New York: Francis (Frank; b. 1930), Malachy (b. 1931), Eugene and Oliver (b. 1932), and Margaret (b. 1935).


The family experiences hardship in New York because their father is unemployed and constantly drunk, and they are starving. Frank notes a distinct difference in the temperament of his father and in the climate of the house generally when his father brings home wages, a rare event. Margaret dies unexpectedly, and Angela goes into a deep depression. The family returns to Ireland and, since they are unwelcome among the McCourts in Toome and the Irish Republican Army (IRA) in Dublin, they go to Limerick, where Grandma Margaret Sheehan helps Angela find and temporarily pay for a furnished room for them all.

Soon after returning to Limerick, Angela loses the baby that she is carrying, Malachy goes on the dole, and they receive public assistance. Oliver dies, and the family moves to a new flat. Frank and Malachy attend Leamy’s National School. Angela is severely depressed, and Malachy tends to the children. Eugene dies of pneumonia six months after Oliver, and the McCourt family moves to a flat that is directly beside the only lavatory serving the entire lane. At Christmas, they have a pig’s head for dinner.

Michael is born in 1936. Representatives of the St. Vincent de Paul Society come to investigate whether the family has a genuine need for assistance. They determine that the situation is deplorable at the McCourt house.

On Frank’s First Communion Day, he is excited for the Collection, where he will be able to go to all of his relatives and collect money as gifts. He is very ill after Mass and misses the Collection, but is still able to see a film. Malachy, Sr., decides that Frank needs to learn the Latin Mass and teaches it to him so that he can be an altar boy, but the church turns Frank away. Angela has another boy named Alphonsus (Alphie) in 1940. Malachy drinks away the baby’s baptismal present money, and Frank feels torn about his feelings for his father when he is sober versus when he is drunk.

Immediately after being confirmed, Frank contracts typhoid fever and spends three and a half months in the hospital. There, he meets a girl named Patricia Madigan, who later dies of diphtheria, and she introduces him to Shakespeare. When Frank goes back to school, he is put in his younger brother Malachy’s class until he writes a composition titled “Jesus and the Weather,” which allows him to return back to his proper class. Frank begins to talk of going to America when he is older.

Things are changing in the lanes because of World War II. English factories need workers, and Angela will not have more babies, so Malachy goes to England to work but does not send money back home. They are penniless and again must go on public assistance.

Frank has an eye infection and returns to the hospital for a month. When he is released, Angela goes into the hospital with pneumonia. The children stay with Aunt Aggie and Uncle Pa until Malachy briefly returns and Angela gets out of the hospital. Malachy sends a money order for three pounds from England, but that is the last time he sends money to his family. The family again goes on relief, and Frank is humiliated to see his mother begging at the priest’s house for a scrap of food.

Frank gets a short-lived job with Mr. Hannon on the coal float and earns the respect of the boys at school. Malachy comes home at Christmas, stays a few days, and never returns. Destitute, Angela and the boys go to live with Angela’s cousin, Laman Griffin, who dislikes the boys and begins an affair with Angela. Frank’s teacher, Mr. O’Halloran, tells Angela that Frank should continue his education at high school and attend a university, but the Christian brothers will not accept him and he never attends high school.

Frank reaches puberty and is preoccupied with his body. He gets into a fight with Laman Griffin, who strikes him. Frank then lives with Uncle Pat, who has a house to himself since Grandma recently died. Aunt Aggie, in an uncharacteristic act of kindness, buys Frank new clothes and shoes for work. Frank earns one pound a week at as a telegram boy and saves up money from each check to fund passage to America. Angela and the boys move into Uncle Pat’s house, and Frank begins to support the family.

On the job, Frank loses his virginity to Theresa Carmody, who later dies of tuberculosis and leaves Frank heartbroken. He then meets Mrs. Finucane and works for her at night as a letter-writing debt collector. Malachy is absent when Frank turns sixteen, so Uncle Pa buys him his first pint of ale. Frank gets drunk and slaps Angela because of Laman Griffin. The next day, he confesses his sins to a Franciscan friar, who tells him that God forgives him but he needs to forgive himself.

Frank works for Eason’s and Mrs. Finucane until he is almost nineteen. By this time, Angela is working for an old man and Malachy, Jr., shovels coal with Uncle Pa. Mrs. Finucane dies, and Frank helps himself to some of her money. With it, he finally has enough money to leave, so Frank books passage on the Irish Oak, arrives in America, and agrees with a shipmate that America is a great country.


Lynch, Patricia A., Joachim Fischer, and Brian Coates, eds. Back to the Present, Forward to the Past: Irish Writing and History Since 1798. New York: Rodopi, 2006. Includes three scholarly essays on Angela’s Ashes, constituting one of the largest collections of scholarly articles on the book in one source.

O’Brien, George. “The Last Word: Reflections on Angela’s Ashes.” In New Perspectives on the Irish Diaspora, edited by Charles Fanning. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2000. Double-layered study of the importance of “having the last word,” both as a goal of characters within McCourt’s memoir and as a goal of McCourt himself in writing it.

Phelan, James. Living to Tell About It: A Rhetoric and Ethics of Character Narration. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2005. This study of narrative by a leading scholar of narrative theory includes a chapter on unreliable and restricted narration in Angela’s Ashes.

Potts, Donna. “Sacralizing the Secular in Frank McCourt’s Angela’s Ashes.” Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 88 (Autumn, 1999): 284-294. Suggests that the young McCourt rejects the repressive Catholicism surrounding him in favor of a religious zeal for America and all things American.

Robinson, Fred Miller. “The One Way Out: Limerick and Angela’s Ashes.” New Hibernia Review / Iris Éireannach Nua: A Quarterly Record of Irish Studies 4, no. 2 (Summer, 2000): 9-25. Provides a fascinating study of Limerick, contrasting the town at the turn of the twenty-first century to its situation at the time that McCourt and his family lived there. Provides helpful background information about the Limerick mores that Frank had to reject to make it to America.