Anti-Semitism in Literature
Anti-Semitism in literature refers to the prejudice against Jews that has been portrayed in various literary works throughout history. This bias often manifests through negative stereotypes, where Jewish characters are depicted as villains or scapegoats, reflecting broader societal anxieties and hostilities. Classic examples include Shakespeare's Shylock in *The Merchant of Venice* and Dickens' Fagin in *Oliver Twist*. However, literature has also served as a platform for opposition to this prejudice, with authors like Mark Twain and Holocaust survivors such as Elie Wiesel writing to challenge anti-Semitic narratives.
The portrayal of Jewish characters has evolved, particularly in North American literature, which incorporates both negative and virtuous representations. While some works perpetuated harmful stereotypes, others sought to redeem Jewish identity, especially after World War II and the Holocaust, which spurred a significant body of literature addressing Jewish experiences and suffering. This complex interplay between depictions of Jews in literature reflects a historical struggle against anti-Semitism and highlights the ongoing discourse surrounding identity and representation in literary narratives.
Anti-Semitism in Literature
When, as a child, Charles Dickens worked in a factory, he received kindness and instruction from the Jewish orphan Bob Fagin. Dickens later wrote that he felt contaminated by such companionship. In Oliver Twist (1838), he named a villainous corrupter of children Fagin, and, in the first edition, repeatedly calls him "the Jew." After Jewish complaints, as if in compensation, Dickens eventually placed the virtuous but vapid Jewish character Mr. Riah in Our Mutual Friend (1865).
![Art Spiegelman, author of the graphic novel "Maus," based on his father's experiences as a Holocaust survivor. By Chris Anthony Diaz [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons 100551214-96120.jpg](
These incidents encapsulate two phases of anti-Semitism, or prejudice against Jews, that alternate through literary history. First, anti-Semites experience an anxiety, often from indebtedness to or envy of Jewish influence. Thus, the Jew (and the one Jew, in anti-Semitic literature, stands for a diverse group) is pictured as evil, such as Shylock in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice (c. 1596-1597) or Fagin. Second, a reaction against anti-Semitism comes, occasioning token redress. Traditionally, both negative and positive depictions tended to build on (and further reinforce) a range of Jewish stereotypes.
Jews have often served as scapegoats for millennia; long before Christianity settled the blame for Christ's crucifixion more on the Jews than on the Romans, Jews were envied, hated, excluded, and subject to mob violence. Therefore anti-Semitism has a long history of being reflected in literature. Conversely, literary depictions of anti-Semitism written by Jewish or sympathetic authors have also risen to prominence, especially in the modern era, helping to draw attention to the extensive persecution of the Jewish people.
North American Literature
The United States and Canada inherited a tradition of vile as well as virtuous Jewish characters, largely from British literature. What may be the first American play with a Jewish character is Susanna Haswell Rowson's vicious Slaves in Algiers (1794). The Jew (1794), by British playwright Richard Cumberland, with its Jewish hero, was written to expiate for its author's many previous Jewish villains. By the end of 1795, the play had been performed in Philadelphia, Charleston, Hartford, Providence, New York, and Boston, and it ran through five editions before 1797. Throughout the nineteenth century, some American works imitated its portrait of a saintly Jewish benefactor who never collected debts. These compositions acquired their novelty, however, because they were so few compared to the flood of defamatory portraits.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem "The Jewish Cemetery at Newport" (1858) and Mark Twain's article "Concerning the Jews" (1898) denounce anti-Semitism. Such fair treatment of Judaism, however, was in the extreme minority among gentile authors. Jewish writers, writing for Jewish audiences, treated Jewish themes with honesty, however, in such literary arenas as Yiddish drama, which began during the 1890s.
The Twentieth Century
The twentieth century brought an acceleration in anti-Semitism in reaction against the rise of Jews to positions of affluence and power. This social trend was reflected in a variety of prominent Western literature. Thomas Wolfe, for example, owed to his Jewish mistress his access to wealthy society. He expressed his contempt for her race in such stories as "Death and Proud Brother" (1935). The economic and social ills of the Depression years particularly inspired the search for scapegoats, with the Jews often chosen. Two conspicuous voices of anti-Semitism were the Nobel laureate T. S. Eliot and the influential poet and critic Ezra Pound. In After Strange Gods (1934), Eliot argues for a Christian society that would largely exclude Jews; his early poetry strangely mixes anti-Semitism with his disgust at sexuality. World War II, however, caused him to distance himself from the racism of his friend Pound, and he never allowed After Strange Gods to be reprinted.
Pound had a phobic reaction to Jews, as if their presence were a taboo or contagion. In Italy during World War II, Pound made radio broadcasts for fascism and for Italy's fascist government; Italy and the United States were at war at the time, and Pound did not renounce his US citizenship. In the broadcasts, he obsessively likened Jewish power to a disease. Captured and tried for treason at the end of World War II, Pound was judged insane and was sentenced to a long confinement in a mental hospital. He finally recanted his anti-Semitism in the 1960s. In Canada, anti-Semitism was spread by such popular figures as the Presbyterian minister and novelist Charles Gordon and the historians John Murray Gibbon and Frederick Philip Grove, but lost fashion after 1945.
During World War II, Adolf Hitler's Nazis exterminated six million Jews in their zeal to create an ethnically "pure" Aryan state. This genocide, which came to be known as the Holocaust, provoked some of the richest literature of identity in the twentieth century. Among the literary reactions against anti-Semitism were Richard Maibaum's play Birthright (1933), based on some of the first reports of Nazi persecution; John Hersey's The Wall (1950), a retelling of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising; Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel's account Night (1960); Kurt Vonnegut's novel Mother Night (1962), about a writer who condemns himself to death for anti-Semitism; and Art Spiegelman's influential graphic novel Maus (1980–91). Indeed, Holocaust literature became one of the major threads of post-war literature, often helping to drive trends such as postmodernism.
Meanwhile, works portraying Jewish characters negatively continued both to be written and to be criticized—although Jewish people have often disagreed with one another over whether a particular portrayal is anti-Semitic. For example, the Judaic scholar Gershom Scholem described Portnoy's Complaint (1969), by the Jewish author Philip Roth) as the book anti-Semites had been trying to write for a century.
The Twenty-First Century
While new works that are blatantly anti-Semitic have been less likely to be published (or at least to reach a wide audience) in the twenty-first century, there have been controversies over works whose portrayal of Jews has been seen by some as negative, similar to the criticism of Portnoy's Complaint. For example, playwright Caryl Churchill's 2009 play Seven Jewish Children is intended as a criticism of Israel's actions in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but never mentions Israel by name while making several references to Jews, resulting in charges that the play portrays Jewish people in general as bloodthirsty. The play was, however, also defended by some Jewish individuals, such as playwright Tony Kushner. Meanwhile, the topic of the Holocaust has continued to dominate Jewish literature, leading some to call for a broader portrayal of Jewish experiences. Jewish authors such as Cynthia Ozick, Michael Chabon, and Jonathan Safran Foer have both confronted anti-Semitism and moved beyond it in expanding the literary canon.
The reprinting and sale of older anti-Semitic works has also remained a source of controversy, with some arguing for the educational and historical value of such texts while others believe that making them widely available has the potential for damage that would outweigh any benefits. Incidents of such controversy have occurred in a number of countries, including Switzerland, France, and Egypt. The uptick in anti-Semitic sentiment and hate crimes recognized in the 2010s in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere drew further concern over anti-Semitism filtering back into broader culture, including the literary world.
"Anti-Semitism." Jewish Book Council, 2020, Accessed 8 Jan. 2020.
Casillo, Robert. The Genealogy of Demons: Anti-Semitism, Fascism, and the Myths of Ezra Pound. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1988.
Cheyette, Bryan. Between "Race" and Culture: Representations of "the Jew" in English and American Literature. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1996.
Craig, Terrence. Racial Attitudes in English-Canadian Fiction, 1905-1980. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1987.
Julius, Anthony. T. S. Eliot, Anti-Semitism and Literary Form. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Julius, Anthony. Trials of the Diaspora: A History of Anti-Semitism in England. Oxford UP, 2010.
Mayo, Louise A. The Ambivalent Image: Nineteenth-Century America's Perception of the Jew. Rutherford, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1988.
Poliakov, Léon. The History of Anti-Semitism. Translated by George Klim. 4 vols. New York: Vanguard, 1965-1985.
Rosenfeld, Alvin H., editor. Resurgent Antisemitism: Global Perspectives. Indiana UP, 2013.
Samuel, Maurice. "Literature and the Study of Anti-Semitism." The American Historical Review, vol. 123, no. 4, 2018, pp. 1223–1233.