A Bell for Adano: Analysis of Major Characters
"A Bell for Adano" is a novel set in the aftermath of World War II, focusing on the dynamics between American military personnel and the local Italian population in the town of Adano. The story revolves around Major Victor Joppolo, the first military governor of Adano, who is dedicated to restoring the dignity of the local people. He makes significant efforts, such as replacing the town's cherished bell confiscated by the Fascists, demonstrating his commitment to the community despite facing challenges from strict military regulations and authority figures.
Supporting Joppolo is Sergeant Borth, who sympathizes with the major's ideals, while Captain Purvis represents the rigid adherence to military orders that often clashes with Joppolo's more compassionate approach. General Marvin, the commanding officer, embodies a more self-serving leadership style, disregarding the local populace's needs. Other characters include Giuseppe, Joppolo's proud interpreter, and Tomasino, a local fisherman who values individual dignity and is skeptical of authority. The interactions among these characters highlight themes of power, authority, and the complexities of post-war reconstruction, making the narrative rich with social commentary and ethical dilemmas.
A Bell for Adano: Analysis of Major Characters
Author: John Hersey
First published: 1944
Genre: Novel
Locale: Adano, Italy
Plot: Social realism
Time: 1943
Major Victor Joppolo (joh-POH-loh), the first military governor of Adano after the Americans have retaken Italy in World War II. He is sincerely interested in restoring the dignity of the people there, and consequently he is willing to suffer what many military men would consider a lack of respect for their position. He succeeds in replacing the bell, the town's most prized possession, which the Fascists had taken.
Sergeant Borth, an outspoken aide to Major Joppolo. He is in complete sympathy with what the major is trying to do in the town, if not with the methods he uses.
Captain Purvis, the officer in charge of the military police in Adano. Adhering rigidly to military regulations, he is careful to report any infractions of orders, including the major's countermand of General Marvin's order to keep all carts out of Adano.
General Marvin, the overbearing commander-in-chief of the American forces in Italy. He cares nothing about the Italian people or their needs and is far too conscious of his own position and the respect he feels is due him.
Giuseppe (jee-ew-SEH-peh), Major Joppolo's interpreter, who is quite proud of his position close to the major.
Tomasino (toh-mah-SEE-noh), a fisherman. He distrusts all authority and firmly believes in the dignity of the individual.
Gargano (gahr-GAH-noh), an ex-Fascist policeman whom Joppolo restores to a position of authority.
Lieutenant Trapani (trah-PAH-nee), Captain Purvis' subordinate. He is not afraid of the military and is willing to take some liberty with regulations when the outcome may be helpful.
Colonel Middleton, General Marvin's aide.