The Firm: Analysis of Major Characters

Author: John Grisham

First published: 1991

Genre: Novel

Locale: Memphis, Tennessee

Plot: Legal

Time: The 1980's or the early 1990's

Mitchell (Mitch) Y. McDeere, a brilliant young attorney recruited directly from Harvard Law School by Bendini, Lambert Locke. Having grown up with a shaky family background, Mitch is ambitious and eager to attain the affluence that will separate him from his past. Mitch is shaken and terrified when he learns that the Bendini firm is being examined by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for Mafia-related activities and that several attorneys died when they tried to leave the firm. Mitch comes up with a scheme that allows him and his wife to escape the firm as well as free his brother Ray from prison.

Abigail (Abby) McDeere, Mitch's wife, who quickly becomes suspicious of the firm's overzealous interest in the attorneys' personal lives. Her suspicions are confirmed when Mitch tells her about the firm's true nature. In spite of her fear, Abby stands by Mitch and helps him formulate his plans.

Raymond (Ray) McDeere, Mitch's brother, an inmate at Brushy Mountain State Prison. Although Ray's personality is somewhat violent and reckless, he cares deeply about his family and is far brighter than his rough background would suggest.

Wayne Tarrance, an FBI special agent assigned to infiltrate the Bendini firm. Although he wishes the McDeeres no particular harm, Tarrance is willing to risk their lives to bring down the Bendini firm. When Mitch, Abby, and Ray finally go on the run, Tarrance betrays them by launching a massive manhunt and informing the media that the McDeeres are dangerous criminals.

Avery Tolar, a partner at the Bendini firm who is assigned to mentor Mitch and becomes oddly protective of him. Avery is the “rogue” of the Bendini firm because he drinks and womanizes, both of which are strictly against the firm's rules. When Avery learns that Mitch is about to turn the firm in to the FBI, he seems almost relieved and simply waits at his girlfriend's apartment until DeVasher's men eventually find and kill him.

Tammy Hemphill, Eddie Lomax's street-smart secretary. When Eddie is killed, Tammy contacts Mitch and works with him to obtain the incriminating documents needed by the FBI to bring down the Bendini firm.

Eddie Lomax, a private detective. Lomax was Ray McDeere's cellmate in prison and became a loyal friend because of Ray's protection of him from other inmates. Mitch hires Eddie to investigate the deaths of several former associates at the Bendini firm. Eddie is soon killed by DeVasher's men as a result of his probing questions.

Oliver Lambert, the senior partner at Bendini, Lambert Locke. Although Oliver considers himself a gentleman, he is deeply entrenched in the firm's illegal activities, including the “elimination” of attorneys who try to leave the firm or contact the authorities.

DeVasher, the head of security at Bendini, Lambert Locke. DeVasher is a ruthless man who maintains contact between the firm and its Mafia owners. DeVasher takes a sadistic pleasure in eavesdropping and spying on the McDeeres and other attorneys.

Lamar Quin, a senior associate and Mitch's closest friend at the firm. When the attorneys are enlisted to search for the missing McDeeres, Lamar demonstrates his empathy for the McDeeres' plight by pretending not to see Ray at a convenience store rather than alerting DeVasher's men. Because Mitch eventually turns over incriminating files to the FBI, Lamar's action indirectly results in his own incarceration.

F. Denton Voyles, the director of the FBI. Like Wayne Tarrance, Voyles is more concerned about making a spectacular Mafia bust than with how the McDeeres will be affected.

Kay Quin, Lamar Quin's wife. Kay tries to become close to Abby, who is put off by Kay's cheerful acceptance of the firm's meddling ways. Like most of the attorneys'wives, Kay is oblivious to the firm's illegal activities.

Joey Moralto, the head of the crime family for which the Bendini firm works.