The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry

First published: 1905

Type of work: Short fiction

Type of plot: Moral

Time of plot: Early twentieth century

Locale: New York City

Principal Characters

  • Della, a young housewife
  • Jim, Della's husband
  • Mme Sofronie, the proprietress of a hair goods shop

The Story

Tomorrow is Christmas Day, and Della is distraught. The meager savings she managed to put aside to purchase a gift for her beloved husband is a mere $1.87. It is simply not enough for a present worthy of her Jim.


There were brighter days for this young, loving couple. Previously, Jim managed to bring home $30 a week. Now, with their income reduced to $20 a week, there is nothing left after basic living expenses are met. Della managed to save her $1.87 by doggedly bullying the grocer, the vegetable man, and the butcher into giving her better prices. Lean living, however, has not dimmed the couple’s devotion to one another. Jim returns home from his job punctually every evening to be greeted by Della’s loving embrace.

Della simply cannot bear the thought of giving her husband a shabby gift or no gift at all. She collapses in tears of frustration but then inspiration strikes. After taking a long look at herself in a mirror, Della is reminded that her assets extend beyond the pittance she is hoarding. She catches sight of her long, flowing hair, the one worldly possession she takes pride in, and realizes that there is a way to accomplish her goal.

Della sheds a few tears for what will be her lost glory. Just as quickly, however, she represses her emotions, scoops up her old jacket and hat, and leaves the flat. Arriving at a shop whose sign reads Mme Sofronie. Hair Goods of All Kinds, Della inquires what the proprietress would pay for her hair. Coldly, Madame Sofronie appraises Della’s tresses with an experienced eye and hand and offers $20. Without hesitation, Della submits to the shearing and walks out with money in hand. After two hours of joyful searching, Della finds the perfect gift for Jim.

If Della has one possession that means the world to her, Jim has one, too, a beautiful gold watch that belonged to his father and his grandfather before him. Jim does not display the watch willingly, however, for it hangs on an old leather strap instead of a suitable gold chain.

Jim will not have to be circumspect any longer about his watch; Della finds a platinum fob chain, simple in design and of exquisite quality, which will do justice to Jim’s treasure. Thrilled that she procured a gift worthy of her husband, Della hurries home to repair the damage the shearing did.

After styling her short hair into curls that resemble those of a “truant schoolboy” or a “Coney Island chorus girl,” Della readies the dinner things and sits down near the door. As she waits expectantly, gift in hand, she prays that he will still find her pretty.

Punctual as always, Jim arrives. As he steps inside the door, he freezes, his eyes on Della. Della cannot read his reaction. It does not seem to be anger, disapproval, surprise, or anything she might expect. He simply stares. She runs up to him and pleads with him not to be upset; she sold her hair so that she could give him a present for Christmas.

When Jim finally comes out of his stupor of disbelief, he takes Della into his arms. He admits that nothing could make him love her any less, but that if she will have a look at what he bought her for Christmas, she will understand his shock. He draws a package out of his overcoat pocket and hands it to her. Della quickly unwraps the parcel and lets out a shriek of joy that soon turns to tears, for Jim’s gift to her is a pair of combs, side and back, made of tortoise shell with jeweled rims, which she long admired in a shop window. She never dreamed that she would actually be able to have them.

Once her tears subside, she reminds Jim, weakly, that her hair grows very fast. She brightens when she recalls that Jim has not yet seen his present. She holds the fob out to him expectantly, reminding him that now he can look at the time a hundred times a day. Upon seeing Della’s gift, Jim collapses on the couch and smiles at her. He suggests that they put their lovely Christmas gifts away for a while; he sold his watch to buy Della the combs.


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Langford, Gerald. Alias O. Henry: A Biography of William Sydney Porter. New York: Macmillan, 1957. Print.

Long, E. Hudson. O. Henry: The Man and His Work. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1949. Print.

O’Connor, Richard. O. Henry: The Legendary Life of William Porter. Garden City: Doubleday, 1970. Print.

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