A High Wind Rising: Analysis of Major Characters
"A High Wind Rising: Analysis of Major Characters" delves into the intricate relationships and dynamics among characters set against a backdrop of colonial America. The story centers on Johann Sebastian Schantz, known as Bastian or Owkwari-owira, who is rescued from the Mohawk Indians and later marries Ottilia Zimmer, an orphan he encounters in Philadelphia. Their lives are deeply affected by the violent interactions with Native American tribes, leading to the abduction of their twin daughters, Margaretta and Gertraud. Key figures include Conrad Weiser, an influential Indian agent, and his wife Anna Eve Weiser, who plays a vital role in Bastian's upbringing. The narrative also highlights the friendship between Anna and Skelet, a sickly Delaware Indian, who ultimately aids in rescuing her and the twins during a massacre. Other notable characters include Reverend Henry Melchior Muhlenburg, who marries into the Weiser family, and various tribal leaders who navigate the tensions of the period. This analysis invites readers to explore the personal and cultural complexities faced by the characters as they confront the challenges of their time.
A High Wind Rising: Analysis of Major Characters
Author: Elsie Singmaster
First published: 1942
Genre: Novel
Locale: Pennsylvania
Plot: Historical
Time: 1728–1755
Johann Sebastian Schantz (YOH-hahn zeh-BAS-tih-ahn shants), called Bastian or Owkwari-owira (Young Bear), a white boy freed from the Mohawk Indians by Conrad Weiser.
Ottilia Zimmer (oh-TEE-lee-ah TSIHM-mehr), an orphan who is first seen by Bastian among the immigrants in Philadelphia. He locates her later in Lancaster and marries her. She is attacked by Indians and left for dead but recovers and returns to safety.
Margaretta and Gertraud (GEHR-trowd), their twin daughters, who are later stolen by Indians.
Conrad Weiser (VI-zehr), an Indian agent and interpreter who helps keep the Six Nations loyal to the British.
Anna Eve Weiser (AHN-nah AY-veh), Conrad's wife, who brings up Bastian until he can be taken to Anna Sabilla Schantz.
Anna Maria, the Weisers' daughter, in love with Bastian.
Anna Sabilla Schantz (sah-BIHL-lah), a pioneer matriarch and the grandmother of Bastian.
Margaretta, her daughter, who runs away with an English trader.
Nicholas, Anna Sabilla's paralyzed brother.
Skelet (skeh-LEHT), a sickly, humpbacked Delaware Indian, befriended by Anna, who teaches woodlore to Bastian. Chiefly moved by greed, he repays Anna by rescuing her and the twins during an Indian massacre, and he returns with them to the settlement.
The Reverend Henry Melchior Muhlenburg (MEHLkhyohr MEWL-ehn-burg), who eventually marries Anna Weiser.
Sibby Heil (hil), who is in love with Bastian.
Israel Fitch, a trader who buys Anna Sabilla's carved puppets.
General Edward Braddock, who tries to drive the French out of Ohio.
Shekellimy, a Delaware chief friendly to Weiser.
Sassoonan, another Delaware chief.
Tanacharison and Scarouady, Indian war leaders when the winds of violence rise in the West.