A Nest of Simple Folk: Analysis of Major Characters

Author: Seán O'Faoláin

First published: 1933

Genre: Novel

Locale: Ireland

Plot: Regional

Time: 1854–1916

Leo Foxe-Donnell, an Irish patriot who devotes himself throughout his life to the cause of Irish independence. He is a wild young man who loses his inheritance. He is twice arrested for his political activity and twice sentenced to prison terms. Nevertheless, he remains an active revolutionary.

Long John O'Donnell, Leo's father, a close-mouthed farmer.

Judith Foxe, Long John's wife and Leo's mother. She is an unattractive but fruitful woman who marries below her station, giving her husband ten children, of whom Leo is the youngest. She tricks her husband into making Leo his heir.

Julie Keene, a girl seduced by Leo. She warns another lover of Leo's political activities and thus causes him to be sent to prison. Later, she is again seduced by Leo and bears a child that she gives away. At last, Leo grudgingly marries her.

Bid Keene, Julie's sister, who marries a policeman. She and her husband take in the Leo Foxe-Donnells when the latter are penniless.

Johnny Hussey, Bid's policeman husband. He remains loyal to the government, despite the revolutionary activity in his family.

Johno O'Donnell, Leo's son by Julie Keene. His father locates him and brings him home as a nephew when the lad is twenty. Johno is a loud young man who joins his father in political activity.

Rachel Foxe and Anna Foxe, prim sisters of Judith, who try to make an aristocrat of their nephew Leo.

James Foxe-Donnell, eldest of Leo's brothers, who is cheated of part of his inheritance by his mother. He keeps the farm intact by running Leo off, and he later recovers Leo's acres from his shiftless brother.

Phil Foxe-Donnell, one of Leo's brothers.

Nicholas, Leo's tutor.

Dr. Dicky, Leo's cousin, under whom he briefly studies medicine.

Frankie O'Donnell, Leo's revolutionary uncle.

Philly Cashen, a girl seduced by Leo.

Denis Hussey, the nephew of Leo. He becomes a revolutionary, though his father is a loyal policeman.