A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick
"A Scanner Darkly" is a novel by Philip K. Dick that explores the complexities of identity and addiction within a dystopian future. The story centers on Fred, an undercover narcotics agent who assumes the identity of Bob Arctor, a drug user addicted to a substance known as Substance D, which symbolizes death and destruction. Living with fellow addicts Barris and Luckman, and romantically involved with Donna, a small-time dealer, Fred is tasked with surveilling his own alter ego while struggling with the effects of his addiction.
The narrative delves into themes of paranoia and betrayal as Fred attempts to navigate the dangerous dynamics of the drug community, all while using advanced technology to prevent identity corruption. As the plot unfolds, Fred finds himself increasingly disassociated from Bob, leading to a profound identity crisis exacerbated by the drug's damaging effects on his mind. The novel raises questions about the motivations behind the government's actions, particularly concerning the production of Substance D by a seemingly benevolent organization called New-Path.
Throughout the story, the line between reality and perception blurs, inviting readers to contemplate the consequences of drug use and the nature of trust among friends. The author dedicates the work to his own experiences within the drug culture, presenting a nuanced view that acknowledges the complexities of addiction without outright condemnation. "A Scanner Darkly" thus serves as both a compelling narrative and a commentary on the human experience in the context of substance abuse.
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A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick
Excerpted from an article in Magill’s Survey of American Literature, Revised Edition
First published: 1977
Type of work: Novel
The Work
Fred is an undercover narcotics agent who poses as drug user Bob Arctor. Bob shares his house with two other users, Barris and Luckman, and has a girlfriend, Donna, who is a small-time dealer. Bob is addicted to Substance D—the “D” standing primarily for Death—and is ostensibly using Donna to find the source of this drug. To prevent corruption, the government uses scramble suits to protect the identity of agents; not even supervisors know who they are underneath. Fred is assigned to monitor the group at Bob’s house, but by necessity, that means he must monitor himself as Bob or blow his cover.
When surveillance of Bob’s house intensifies because of suspicious behavior, so do acts of sabotage occurring against Bob. On the same day that the government installs monitoring equipment in his house, Bob and his housemates almost die from somebody tinkering with his car. As Fred, he finds himself reviewing the recordings of Bob and his friends, finding himself in knotty discussions with his supervisor and fellow agents about the results. Fred also finds himself disassociated from Bob, reaching a point where the two are unable to guess each other’s actions. The title of the novel refers to the surveillance tool and the consequences when Bob/Fred cannot comprehend what he sees.
Government agents conduct tests on Fred and discover Substance D has damaged his brain, splitting his personae. At the same time, Barris comes to the police and offers information that will get Bob busted as a major drug dealer-conspirator. Fred’s cover is blown, and he is placed in the detoxification program of New-Path, where he takes on the name Bruce, his mental functions severely deteriorated.
Donna turns out to be a government narcotics agent, now using her former boyfriend to trace the source of Substance D, New-Path. The novel closes with Bruce pocketing Substance D, unwilling to give up his junkie habits as Bob or perhaps fulfilling his previous role as Fred, keeping evidence for Donna’s bust.
The novel is loosely plotted, often going on tangents that help reinforce a sense of the drug community’s frame of mind. Along that line, the paranoia that Bob/Fred suffers is never confirmed. Was Barris the one sabotaging Bob’s belongings? Dick refers time and again to the capricious behavior of people on drugs and how one betraying whim does not necessarily link to others. Indeed, the odd behavior Bob must engage in to protect his Fred persona may have been the impetus for Barris’s deal. Further, why is New-Path growing Substance D—outright greed and opportunism, or perhaps a means of gaining control of people who otherwise would resist being told what to do?
This is as much a story about a community of drug users as about the split personality of one man. The first chapter focuses on a friend of Bob who must cope with hallucinatory aphids, mirroring Bob’s own descent at the end. In an author’s note, Dick dedicated the book to friends from his own drug-using community, not condemning their choice but fully cognizant of the consequences suffered.
Apel, D. Scott, ed. Philip K. Dick: The Dream Connection. San Diego: Permanent Press, 1987.
Carrere, Emmanuel. I Am Alive and You Are Dead: The Strange Life and Times of Philip K. Dick. Translated by Timothy Bent. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2003.
Lem, Stanislaw. Microworlds: Writings on Science Fiction and Fantasy. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1984.
Mackey, Douglas A. Philip K. Dick. Boston: Twayne, 1988.
Mason, Daryl. The Biography of Philip K. Dick. London: Gollancz, 2006.
Olander, Joseph, and Martin Harry Greenberg, eds. Philip K. Dick. New York: Taplinger, 1983.
Palmer, Christopher. Philip K. Dick: Exhilaration and Terror of the Postmodern. Liverpool, England: Liverpool University Press, 2003.
Sutin, Lawrence. Divine Invasion: A Life of Philip K. Dick. New York: Harmony Books, 1987.
Umland, Samuel J., ed. Philip K. Dick Contemporary Critical Interpretations (Contributions to the Study of Science Fantasy). Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1995.
Warrick, Patricia. Mind in Motion: The Fiction of Philip K. Dick. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1987.
Williams, Paul. Only Apparently Real: The World of Philip K. Dick. New York: Arbor House, 1986.