A Simple Honorable Man: Analysis of Major Characters

Author: Conrad Richter

First published: 1962

Genre: Novel

Locale: Pennsylvania

Plot: Pastoral

Time: Early and mid-twentieth century

Elijah Morgan, a Lutheran minister who finally gives Harry Donner, his son-in-law—in his late thirties—his blessing to enter the ministry.

Harry Donner, the main character, a storekeeper who later pastors the town of Mahanoy. When the church resents his work at Lost Run, he takes a position in Wetherill. He finds a rift there and resigns, even though he does not have another position. He finds work at Paint Creek and also serves Chadd's Cove. He serves others after retiring at the age of seventy.

Oliver Piatt, the treasurer of the Wetherill church. He always requires Harry Donner to ask for his small salary. Piatt wants a big, new church.

Phillip Rodery, who opposes Piatt. He keeps a stray pig, is arrested, and is later injured in two falls. Church meets on his farm after a fire. Later, Piatt helps Rodery and others replace their church.

Isaac Gottschall, a one-armed miner who loses his other arm. Donner helps him purchase a home with a store.

Shelby Bashore, who is dying and wants to live. Donner tells him that life can never be put in the ground, that every seed rises, and that the ground is comforting: warm in winter and cool in summer.

Cal Harmon, a ninety-four-year-old man who wants to die.

Jake Schneck, who promises to shoot anyone who comes to his room. He shoots Tom Staller, his best friend, when Tom 3comes upstairs. Donner convinces Jake to allow him to enter after Jake shoots himself. Donner takes Jake downstairs to die.

Dave Mace and Sheba Mace, two residents of Chadd's Cove. This couple thinks that Donner is preaching about them when they hear that he spoke of David and Bathsheba.

Valerie Morgan Donner, Elijah Morgan's daughter and Harry Donner's wife. She bears three sons: Gene, Johnny, and Tim. She dies before Harry does.

Mimm, who preaches a trial sermon in another church on Donner's recommendation. Although almost eighty years old, Donner drives one hundred miles to hear Mimm, whom he helped to educate. Because Mimm wants to return for a funeral, Harry drives him. Mimm does not even invite Donner to rest, though it is close to 2:00 a.m. Donner spends the night in the cold car and later dies of pneumonia. It is significant that this character, to whom Donner has given much and who indirectly causes the death of the old man, has no first name; others whom Donner meets become friends with him on a first-name basis.

John Donner, the narrator and the son of Harry Donner, the main character. John discovers that his father has few possessions. His father has groaned much in his sleep but has praised God much in his life. John sees his father's life as wasted on a log church in a little-known valley—his father's final resting place.

Tilly, an in-law but still a family member. She senses Harry Donner's death about the time that it occurs.