A Storm of Swords: Analysis of Major Characters
"A Storm of Swords: Analysis of Major Characters" delves into the intricate web of personalities that populate the third book in George R.R. Martin's epic fantasy series, "A Song of Ice and Fire." This analysis highlights the complexity and evolution of key characters as they navigate a world rife with political intrigue, war, and personal betrayal.
The narrative follows several pivotal figures, including Arya Stark, who adopts false identities while evading capture; the resurrected Beric Dondarrion, who leads the Brotherhood Without Banners; and Bran Stark, who embarks on a journey to hone his mystical abilities. The text also examines characters like Cersei Lannister, who schemes to maintain her family's power amidst chaos, and Daenerys Targaryen, who rises as a formidable leader in Essos with her dragons and freed slaves.
The analysis extends to the tragic fate of Robb Stark, whose missteps lead to the infamous Red Wedding, as well as the manipulative schemes of figures such as Tywin Lannister and Walder Frey. Themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the quest for power are prevalent as characters face moral dilemmas that shape their destinies. This overview offers readers a glimpse into the rich character dynamics and thematic depth that define "A Storm of Swords."
A Storm of Swords: Analysis of Major Characters
Author: George Richard Raymond Martin
Alternate Title: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book Three
First published: 2000
Genre: Novel
Locale: King's Landing, Westeros; the Wall, Westeros; Astapor, Essos; Yunkai, Essos; Meereen, Essos
Plot: Epic fantasy
Time: Fictional Middle Ages, 299–300 AL
Arya Stark, younger daughter of Eddard and Catelyn Stark. She is on the run, using a series of false identities. Captured by the Brotherhood Without Banners, loyal to Beric Dondarrion, Arya is then stolen away by Sandor Clegane, who seeks to ransom her, and proves an excellent instructor in the art of killing.
Beric Dondarrion, leader of the Brotherhood Without Banners. He continues to harass Gregor Clegane's troops, as ordered by the late Eddard Stark. In fact, Dondarrion has been killed several times, but brought back to life by his priest, Thoros of Myr.
Bran Stark, who has escaped the ruins of Winterfell but is presumed dead. He travels north with Jojen and Meera Reed and the simple stableman Hodor. En route, they meet with Samwell Tarly and Gilly but make them promise not to tell anyone Bran is alive. Bran is developing his power to control the mind of his direwolf, Summer.
Brienne of Tarth, a strong and formidable warrior. Serving Catelyn Stark, she transports Jaime Lannister to King's Landing, but the two are taken by vicious bandits.
Catelyn Tully Stark, mother of Robb, Sansa, Bran, Rickon, and Arya. She despairs when she hears the false news of her youngest sons, Bran and Rickon, being killed at Winterfell. Catelyn serves her eldest son, Robb, as an ambassador to Walder Frey, until Frey treacherously murders mother and son at what becomes known as the Red Wedding between her brother Edmure Tully and one of Frey's daughters.
Cersei Lannister, the widow of King Robert Baratheon and mother to his heir, King Joffrey. Cersei plots to consolidate power for her family. When Joffrey dies at his wedding to Margaery Tyrell, Cersei blames her brother Tyrion, who is thrown into a cell but later escapes to kill their father and flee.
Craster, a wildling who sometimes provides food and shelter to members of the Night's Watch. He is reviled for marrying his daughters and killing his sons. Craster is killed by defectors from the Night's Watch.
Daenerys Targaryen, leader or khaleesi of a small group of followers and mother to three dragons. She acquires and frees an army of slave eunuchs, who choose to follow her as free men. She conquers several major cities on the continent of Essos.
Davos Seaworth, a former smuggler and trusted subject of Stannis Baratheon who survives the Battle of the Blackwater and a subsequent shipwreck. He returns to Stannis, who names him as his most trusted adviser.
Gendry, the secret, illegitimate son of the deceased King Robert Baratheon. He flees north with Arya and other recruits for the Night's Watch but they are taken by Beric Dondarrion's men. Impressed at their egalitarian ideology, he joins the Brotherhood Without Banners and is knighted by Beric Dondarrion.
Gregor “the Mountain That Rides” Clegane, one of Tywin Lannister's most formidable knights. He narrowly defeats Oberyn Martell in a trial by combat to determine Tyrion Lannister's fate.
Jaime “Kingslayer” Lannister, son of Tywin Lannister. He is taken by bandits while being transported back to King's Landing by Brienne of Tarth and loses his sword hand.
Joffrey Baratheon, the sadistic boy-king of Westeros. He breaks off his engagement to Sansa Stark, whom he considers the daughter of a traitor. He marries Margaery Tyrell but is poisoned at their wedding. His sweet younger brother, Tommen, succeeds him.
Jojen Reed, a precociously mature boy capable of seeing the future in his dreams. He leads Bran Stark to meet his destiny north of the Wall, along with Jojen's sister Meera and Hodor.
Jon Snow, the illegitimate son of Eddard Stark and a member of the Night's Watch. He returns from his secret mission with Mance Rayder's army to defend the Wall and proves himself a capable commander. However, older members of the Night's Watch accuse him of desertion for his time north of the Wall.
Jorah Mormont, the exiled lord of Bear Island. In Essos, he serves Daenerys Targaryen, who finds out that he was originally sent to spy on her and sends him away.
Lysa Tully Arryn, younger sister of Catelyn Tully Stark and mad widow of Jon Arryn. She is briefly married to her former lover, Petyr Baelish, but he pushes her out of the Eyrie's moon door to her death after she witnesses him kissing her niece Sansa.
Mance Rayder, a former member of the Night's Watch, the king of the largest wildling army ever organized north of the Wall. He leads the united wildlings south, fleeing a supernatural terror in the north.
Margaery Tyrell, the beautiful daughter of the powerful House Tyrell who remains a virgin after her brief marriage to Renly Baratheon and then marries King Joffrey.
Oberyn Martell, who comes to King's Landing to avenge his sister Elia's murder by Lannister loyalists as the Targaryen dynasty fell. He fights Gregor Clegane, whom he suspects of the murder, but is killed.
Robb Stark, eldest son of Eddard Stark and lord of Winterfell. Engaged in rebellion against King Joffrey Baratheon, Robb proves militarily successful but struggles with diplomacy. He marries Jeyne Westerling, thus breaking his vow to marry one of Walder Frey's daughters in exchange for an important alliance. Frey then viciously murders him and his mother at the Red Wedding.
Roose Bolton, lord of the Dreadfort. Nominally Robb Stark's ally, he plots against Robb with Walder Frey. He is a pale-skinned man with strangely pale eyes and is capable of cunning and treachery.
Sansa Stark, jilted fiancée of King Joffrey who is forced to marry Tyrion Lannister instead. After King Joffrey is killed at his wedding to Margaery Tyrell, Sansa is smuggled out of King's Landing to Petyr Baelish, who takes her to the Eyrie where her aunt Lysa lives.
Samwell Tarly, the fat and cowardly brother of the Night's Watch who defends Craster's daughter-wife Gilly and her baby from supernatural enemies. When he returns to his station in the Night's Watch, he also proves capable of clever political maneuvering.
Sandor “the Hound” Clegane, who has fled King's Landing. Captured by Beric Dondarrion, Sandor defeats him in a trial by combat and is set free. He then captures Arya Stark from Dondarrion's men, seeking to ransom her. He is mortally wounded in a fight with his brother Gregor's men. Arya abandons him to die alone.
Stannis Baratheon, contender for the throne. Much weakened by a naval defeat at the Battle of the Blackwater, he becomes increasingly enthralled with Melisandre, priestess of the red god R'hllor. On her advice, Stannis turns his attention to the Wall, seeking an alliance with the Night's Watch.
Tyrion “the Imp” Lannister, a dwarf, the son of Tywin Lannister. No longer Hand of the King once his father Tywin returns to King's Landing, he is made Master of Coin, a lower position on the king's council, instead. He is forced to marry Sansa Stark after her engagement to his nephew, King Joffrey Baratheon, is broken. When Joffrey dies at his wedding to Margaery Tyrell, Tyrion is blamed and arrested. Tyrion then escapes, kills his father, and flees overseas.
Tywin Lannister, adviser (Hand of the King) to his nephew, King Joffrey, who furthers the ends of the Lannister family. His son Tyrion fatally shoots him with a crossbow.
Walder Frey, the old, prideful lord of the Crossing, who is insulted when Robb Stark breaks a vow to marry one of his daughters. Although nominally Robb's vassal, Walder murders him and his mother, Catelyn, at the Red Wedding.
Ygritte, a red-haired wildling woman who develops a loving relationship with Jon Snow when he pretends to have defected to Mance Rayder's army. Ygritte is later killed by Jon Snow's fellow Night's Watch brothers.