Watch the North Wind Rise

First published: 1949 (published in Great Britain as Seven Days in New Crete, 1949)

Type of work: Novel

Type of plot: Fantasy—utopia

Time of work: The distant future

Locale: New Crete

The Plot

A poet of the post-World War II era, Edward Venn-Thomas, is called into the future by magicians of New Crete. New Crete is a harmonious, antimaterialistic, antitechnological society where women enjoy higher status than men and where the dominant forces are custom and the worship of the triune Goddess, who is Nymph, nurturing Mother, and withered Fate.

Questioned by New Cretans, Venn-Thomas criticizes the twentieth century for the hypocrisy and hectic pace of its scientifically and economically oriented society, as well as for the violence of the age. He is intrigued and at first attracted by New Crete’s alternative to twentieth century life. New Cretan society is divided into five estates or classes. The most numerous, the commoners, includes farmers and craftsmen. Other estates are servants, including priests and teachers; recorders; captains; and magicians—witches and poets serving as legislators and magistrates of sorts. People take their places in one estate or another according to their temperaments, and every village harmoniously incorporates members of all five estates. Occasionally disputes between villages give rise to “wars,” day-long contests similar to large games of capture-the-flag. The monarchy of this theocratic society is defined by rituals culminating in the human sacrifice of the king or his proxy.

As Venn-Thomas learns more, he is increasingly troubled by New Crete’s lack of true creativity and of what might be called “character.” When he asks one of his hosts what would happen in case of a general malaise in society, his informant says—after some hesitation—that the Goddess would have to intervene in person.

Venn-Thomas finds himself involved in an increasingly complex tangle of amorous interests. He enjoys a platonic relationship with a young woman named Sapphire; however, the witch who evoked him, Sally, pursues him sexually with increasing aggression. This romantic triangle is further complicated both by Venn-Thomas’ fidelity to his twentieth century wife, Antonia, and by the unaccountable appearance in New Crete of Erica Turner, another twentieth century woman with whom he had been romantically involved.

The unfolding action is marked by seduction, betrayal, murder, and suicide. Venn-Thomas is ultimately mobbed by New Cretans who blame him for the disruption of their peaceful life. He realizes that the woman he thought was Erica Turner is actually a manifestation of the Goddess and that his visit to New Crete has been at the behest of the Goddess precisely so that New Crete’s complacent routine might be disrupted and a new order born. In the denouement, on behalf of the Goddess, Venn-Thomas invokes the North Wind of change against New Crete. He then returns to his own time and to Antonia’s side in their conjugal bed, bringing Sapphire with him to be reborn in the twentieth century as their daughter.