William Gibson (b. 1948)

American Canadian author, essayist, and pioneer of the cyberpunk genre.

  • Born: March 17, 1948
  • Place of Birth: Conway, South Carolina


William Ford Gibson III was born on March 17, 1948, in Conway, South Carolina, to Elizabeth Otey Williams and William Ford Gibson Jr. He was born around the same time as the publication of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), which was auspicious, given Gibson’s contributions to utopic and dystopic literature. Gibson’s father was a civilian contractor who helped build the Oak Ridge atomic bomb facility during World War II. After his father died when Gibson was around eight years old, Gibson's mother moved with him to Virginia, where he spent his youth until he attended boarding school in Arizona as a teenager. To avoid the draft for the Vietnam War, Gibson dropped out of high school in 1967 and left the United States at the age of nineteen. In 1972, he moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, and joined the Bohemian post-1960s culture thriving there. Gibson attended the University of British Columbia, receiving a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature in 1977. He married Deborah Thompson, a language instructor, and they had two children together: a son (Graeme) and a daughter (Claire). His work as a founder of the cyberpunk movement in the 1980s and early 1990s has left a legacy of seminal novels that are essential reading for science fiction fans and critics, as well as those interested in what came to be known as cyberculture.

An almost overnight success as a science fiction novelist, Gibson is best known to the general public for having coined the term "cyberspace" and having envisioned virtual reality long before its technological applications were possible. His first novel, Neuromancer (1984), won the 1984 Hugo, Nebula, and Philip K. Dick Awards—the three highest honors in science fiction—in a first-ever sweep. Neuromancer’s descriptions of dystopic urban decay, combined with utopic virtual possibilities, presented the dominant metaphor for cyberspace. The Sprawl series—Neuromancer, Count Zero (1986), and Mona Lisa Overdrive (1988)—merged technology, multinational corporate capitalism, and vast urban landscapes in a mélange that revolutionized and reinvigorated the genre of science fiction in the 1980s. The result was cyberpunk: a gritty, urban-based picture of future technology combined with gothic styles of architecture, clothing, and manners. The Sprawl series would go on to be hugely influential across a variety of media, inspiring everything from the rock band U2 to the groundbreaking action film The Matrix (1999), and Gibson has often been hailed as a visionary pioneer of the Internet age.


Not content with having spawned cyberpunk as a social and literary movement, Gibson, along with fellow cyberpunk writer Bruce Sterling, produced a reexamination of Victorian technological advancement in the novel The Difference Engine (1990). Revisiting past innovators and their inventions produced a second social movement, steampunk, which combines Victorian technology with late twentieth-century punk attitudes.

Continuing with the idea of tracing origins, Gibson’s subsequent novels move back in time from the era of the Sprawl series to a point where virtual technologies are just beginning to come into use. The novels of Gibson’s Bridge trilogy—Virtual Light (1993), Idoru (1996), and All Tomorrow’s Parties (1999)—explore the impact of virtual technologies on the Pacific Rim, particularly the cities of San Francisco and Tokyo. Focusing less on technology’s impact on the environment, these books examine instead the effects on both the ordinary people and the celebrities living in these areas. Everyday but often overlooked or under-analyzed areas of modern cosmopolitan society are shown in these books, among them law enforcement practices and procedures, homelessness amid technological splendor, television shows and their ever-expanding need for ratings, the use of experimental drugs on unsuspecting populations, and three-dimensional facsimile machines that produce perfect copies. By focusing on the beginnings of the world portrayed in the Sprawl trilogy, Gibson brings into sharp relief what it would be like to live with technologies that allow for the separation of people from their material bodies and physical environments. Idoru, in particular, focuses on the problem of love between a flesh-and-blood person and a virtual personality.

Pattern Recognition (2003) continues this line of inquiry on the other side of the physical world, in the United Kingdom and the countries of the former Soviet Union. The work was notably influenced by the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, which led Gibson to rewrite significant portions. It is the first of yet another series, known as the Blue Ant trilogy, this time taking place in a contemporary setting and featuring a relatively realistic writing style. The other novels in the series are Spook Country (2007) and Zero History (2010). The series was critically and commercially successful, with critics generally noting that Gibson had shifted from traditional science fiction to a more general speculative fiction. His next novel, The Peripheral, was released in 2014 and contained elements of murder mystery in a near-future setting.

Throughout his years in the public light, Gibson has often spoken and written about the fast-paced change of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. He has contributed dozens of pieces to a variety of periodicals, among them Rolling Stone, Wired, and the New York Times Magazine. In some sense, Gibson remained an outsider to the various locales about which he wrote fiction or nonfiction. Still, he also sought to find new ways of presenting his descriptions to better encapsulate the themes he considered. Agrippa: A Book of the Dead (1992) was one such attempt. Written with Dennis Ashbaugh, it is a poem and performance piece about memory and its intangibility, designed to self-destruct after one viewing. This is in marked contrast to his previous efforts, since the viewers become part of the observations themselves. A collection of Gibson's various nonfiction writings, titled Distrust That Particular Flavor, was released in 2012. In the late 2010s and early 2020s, Gibson began work on the Jackpot trilogy, releasing The Peripheral (2014) and Agency (2020). Agency became an instant New York Times bestseller upon its release. Gibson appeared in the Amazon-produced comedy-drama science fiction program Upload in 2023.

While always a witness to the technology-infused world, Gibson himself tried to abstain from participation in that world, at first only reluctantly adopting technologies such as email and a personal website. Sometimes described as the first postmodern science-fiction writer and other times as the first cyberpunk writer (although he has said he dislikes the term "cyberpunk"), Gibson initially remained resolute in his status as bystander to the world around him and the possible implications of the innovations, good and bad, in that world. Still, Gibson continues to be an active voice, speaking about the impacts of technology on society and eschewing his avoidance of technology to become an active poster on social media sites. Despite the many generic, formulaic copies his novels and stories have engendered, Gibson’s work stands as a testament to the power and impact of one person’s vision and words.

Author Works

Long Fiction:

Neuromancer, 1984

Count Zero, 1986

Mona Lisa Overdrive, 1988

The Difference Engine, 1990 (with Bruce Sterling)

Virtual Light, 1993

Idoru, 1996

All Tomorrow’s Parties, 1999

Pattern Recognition, 2003

Spook Country, 2007

Zero History, 2010

The Peripheral, 2014

Agency (2020)

Short Fiction:

Burning Chrome, 1986

"Skinner's Room," 1991, Omni


Agrippa: A Book of the Dead, 1992 (multimedia; with Dennis Ashbaugh and Kevin Begos Jr.)


Johnny Mnemonic, 1995 (adaptation of his short story)

Archangel, 2016–2017 (adaptation of a graphic novel)

Alien 3, 2018–2019

Alien III, 2019

Alien3: The Unproduced First-Draft Screenplay by William Gibson, 2021


“Kill Switch,” 1998 (X-Files episode; with Tom Maddox)

“First Person Shooter,” 2000 (X-Files episode; with Tom Maddox)


"Disneyland with the Death Penalty," 1993 (for Wired)

Distrust That Particular Flavor, 2012 (essays)

Comic Book:

Archangel, 2016–17 (5 issues; Michael St. John Smith, cocreator; Butch Guice, artist)


Cavallaro, Dani. Cyberpunk and Cyberculture: Science Fiction and the Work of William Gibson. Athlone Press, 2000.

Cumming, Ed. "William Gibson: The Man Who Saw Tomorrow." The Guardian, 28 July 2014, www.theguardian.com/books/2014/jul/28/william-gibson-neuromancer-cyberpunk-books. Accessed 8 June 2017.

“For William Gibson, Seeing the Future Is Easy. But the Past?” The New York Times, 9 Jan. 2020, www.nytimes.com/2020/01/09/books/review/william-gibson-by-the-book-interview.html. Accessed 10 July 2024.

Gibson, William. "The Art of Fiction No. 211: William Gibson." Interview by David Wallace-Wells. The Paris Review, Summer 2011, pp. 104–49. Academic Search Complete, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=61905733&site=ehost-live. Accessed 8 June 2017. D

Gibson, William. "Since 1948." William Gibson—Official Website, AuthorsOnTheWeb, 6 Nov. 2002, williamgibsonbooks.com/source/source.asp. Accessed 8 June 2017.

Henthorne, Tom. William Gibson: A Literary Companion. McFarland, 2011.

McCaffery, Larry, interviewer and editor. Across the Wounded Galaxies: Interviews with Contemporary American Science Fiction Writers. U of Illinois P, 1990.

Olsen, Lance. William Gibson. Borgo Press, 1992.

Rothman, Joshua. “How William Gibson Keeps His Science Fiction Real.” The New Yorker, 9 Dec. 2019, www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/12/16/how-william-gibson-keeps-his-science-fiction-real. Accessed 10 July 2024.

William Gibson, williamgibsonbooks.com. Accessed 10 July 2024.