Decision tree
A decision tree is a visual tool used to analyze options and guide the decision-making process. Resembling the structure of a tree, it begins with a main trunk that represents a primary decision, while branches depict various options and their potential outcomes. Decision trees can be utilized by individuals or incorporated into electronic devices, aiding in tasks that require systematic decision-making. They can be created on paper or digitally, ranging from simple to complex designs.
In a decision tree, each point where a choice is made is known as a node, and these nodes can represent different types of decisions or outcomes. For example, a group deciding on a fundraising method might evaluate options like a candy sale or a car wash, with nodes addressing key questions about feasibility and resources. Electronic decision trees often include preconditions that must be met for the process to advance, ensuring structured and valid decision-making. Overall, decision trees enhance clarity and transparency in evaluating options, making them a valuable resource for individuals and organizations alike.
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Decision tree
A decision tree is a tool used to help analyze options and determine steps in a process. Humans can use decision trees to make decisions, analyze research, or plan strategies. Decision trees also may be incorporated into devices that need to make decisions on how to handle actions that involve options. The decision tree is a visual representation of an algorithm, or a set of rules used in the decision-making process.

Decision trees earned their name because they resemble the trunks and branches of a tree. The main trunk is the decision to be made. Each main branch is one option that can be part of the decision-making process. The smaller branches represent potential outcomes. Decision trees may exist on hard copy or in electronic form. Many electronic devices that people use daily include embedded decision trees that allow the devices to complete necessary functions.
A decision tree is a way of considering options until a decision is reached. Decision trees can be drafted on paper, created with a computer program, or be embedded within a computer program. They can be relatively simple or very complicated. The most important factor in using decision trees is that each decision leads to another step in the decision-making process until a final decision is reached.
Each decision point is called a node and is like the fork in a tree branch. The branches are the various options. The process ends when a satisfactory answer has been found. Nodes may be represented by squares (decision nodes), circles (chance nodes), or triangles (end nodes).
For instance, a club may be trying to decide which type of fundraiser to hold. They list several options, such as a candy sale, a car wash, and a dance-a-thon, and consider each in turn. The first node of the decision tree might be, "Can we make enough money with this fundraiser?" If the answer to that is yes, the tree continues. If it is no, that option is eliminated. The next node might be, "Do we have enough help to run this?" Again, a yes answer continues the tree, and a no ends that branch.
Electronic decision trees often include various preconditions that must be met before the decision tree process advances. For instance, if a person is filling out an electronic form with name, address, email, and phone information, the decision tree for the form's process might include requirements that all fields be filled out and contain valid information. Inside the program, decisions will be made as the form is completed. The decision tree might have nodes such as, "Are all fields filled out?" and "Is the email in the proper format?" Information that does not meet the preconditions will cause the program to return a message to the user to correct the missing or improperly formatted information.
Decision trees are helpful in decision-making processes because they provide a clear way to examine all options. They allow for the consideration of both favorable outcomes and potential consequences. They are relatively simple to design and can be very flexible. The outcomes are simple to understand and allow for transparency in the decision-making process.
Caramela, Sammi. "What Is a Decision Tree?" Business News Daily, 7 May 2024, Accessed 5 Dec. 2024.
"Decision Tree." Geeks for Geeks, 17 May 2024, Accessed 5 Dec. 2024.
"Definition of 'Decision Tree Model.'" Economic Times, Accessed 5 Dec. 2024.
Magee, John F. "Decision Trees for Decision Making." Harvard Business Review, July 1964, Accessed 5 Dec. 2024.
"What Is Decision Tree Analysis? 5 Steps to Make Better Decisions." Asana, 4 Jan. 2024, Accessed 5 Dec. 2024.