Battle of Queenston Heights

Battle of Queenston Heights

American forces suffered an important defeat during the War of 1812 in the battle of Queenston Heights on October 13, 1812.

At the time, Canada was still a British possession, and Canadian settlements, ports, and forts were important staging areas for British forces in their war with the United States, while its defenses were limited due to its small population. Therefore, an invasion was planned into the Canadian province of Ontario across the Niagara River from northern New York State. On the night of October 12, 1812, roughly 1600 troops from the United States Army and the local state militia departed from Lewiston, New York, towards Queenston, Ontario. However, a local Canadian woman named Laura Secord had overheard conversations concerning the invasion.

Secord went to the British forces and reported her discovery to their commander, Major General Sir Isaac Brock. He summoned a combined British, Canadian, and native tribal force of over 2,000 men. On October 13 Brock's forces engaged the Americans at Beaver Dams, stopping their advance, and then attacked the American positions established at Queenston during the night. Nearly 100 Americans were killed and nearly a 1,000 were captured. The British incurred few casualties, although Brock himself was killed during the battle. American forces suffered a permanent setback in their designs on Canada.