Britain and France Declare War on Germany

Britain and France Declare War on Germany

On September 3, 1939, Great Britain and France-in the struggle against tyranny that became World War II-declared war on Germany. What was to escalate into the most devastating conflict known had begun two days earlier, when Nazi Germany invaded Poland. Before its end in 1945 in Europe and Asia, the war would become global in nature, involving many of the nations of the world. The contesting countries were headed by the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) and by the Allies (Britain, France, the Soviet Union after it was invaded by Germany in June 1941, and the United States after the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941).

American involvement in the conflict was followed by a monumental effort by the United States, with human and industrial resources thenceforth devoted to the cause of Allied victory. For the United States, as for every other nation that participated, this costly war was a history-changing event.