Operation Iraqi Freedom Ends

Operation Iraqi Freedom Ends

The Fourth Stryker Brigade left Iraq the week of August 19, 2010. This was the U.S. Army's final combat brigade to exit Iraq, ending Operation Iraqi Freedom. The official announcement came 2 weeks later when President Barack Obama said to the nation that “the American combat mission in Iraq has ended. Operation Iraqi Freedom is over.”

U.S. military operations in Iraq began in 2003 under the Bush administration. During the following 7-1/2 years, thousands of Americans lost their lives and tens of thousands were wounded in the war there.

When Obama entered office, he promised to bring U.S. troops home from Iraq. To fulfill that pledge, nearly 100,000 troops were removed from Iraq, along with millions of pieces of equipment, and hundreds of bases were closed or transferred to Iraqis. Six “advise and assist brigades” and 4,500 U.S. special operations forces remained in Iraq to train Iraqi troops.