Port Chicago naval magazine explosion

The Event Noncombat military disaster

Date July 17, 1944

Place Port Chicago, Contra Costa County, California

The explosion of two munitions ships at the Port Chicago supply depot in San Francisco Bay is significant because it was the worst disaster of its kind during World War II and because the African American personnel who were its chief victims refused to return to work immediately afterward.

Until after World War II, African Americans in the military were consigned to racially segregated units and usually limited to menial duties. At the United States Navy ammunition depot at Port Chicago, California, African Americans primarily worked as stevedores, loading ammunition onto warships. The men received no specialized training in munitions handling. They were frequently pressured to work faster by white officers who had been encouraged to compete with each other for speed. On June 17, 1944, two ships exploded, and 321 people, most of them African Americans, died.


A few weeks after the blast, 300 men were ordered to return to ammunition loading, but 258 employees refused to obey. Their action was regarded as mutiny and fifty men were eventually court-martialed. LawyerThurgood Marshall appealed the men’s cases, and in 1946, President Harry S. Truman granted clemency. Only one survivor eventually received a full pardon, which came from President Bill Clinton in 1999.


The Port Chicago naval magazine explosion raised awareness of the need for safer design of munitions and for better training in munitions handling. The deaths of 321 people and the court-martial of the many survivors also exposed the depths of racism in the American military during the 1940’s and played a role in the eventual desegregation of the armed forces.


Allen, Robert L. The Port Chicago Mutiny: The Story of the Largest Mass Mutiny Trial in U.S. Naval History. Berkeley, Calif.: Heydey Books, 1993.

McLeod, Dean L. Port Chicago. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia, 2007.