National Mining Association (NMA)

Date: Established 1995

The National Mining Association promotes American mining products in national and international markets and represents the mining industry before the U.S. Congress, federal agencies, state governments, and international agencies.


The National Mining Association (NMA) was formed by the merger of the National Coal Association and the American Mining Congress. The National Coal Association was formed in 1917 and the American Mining Congress in 1897. The merger of these two strong groups enabled a single voice to represent all the businesses affiliated with the U.S. mining industry. Groups belonging to the NMA include mining companies (in the areas of coal, metals, hard rock, and minerals), mining equipment manufacturers, mineral processors, bulk transporters, and financial and engineering firms and other support services companies.

Impact on Resource Use

The purpose of the NMA is to promote mineral resources developed from U.S. mines. The organization fosters both domestic use and exports to international markets. It maintains a strong political presence in Washington, D.C., and represents U.S. mining interests in international deliberations. The NMA has two political action committees, COALPAC and MinePAC. The NMA provides legal counsel and representation in judicial, administrative, and regulatory proceedings that involve the U.S. mining industry. Finally, the NMA conducts public education programs, informing people of their dependency on minerals that are used in producing common items such as carpeting, telephones, automobiles, and even doorknobs.


National Mining Association.