Deptford Culture

Date: 500 b.c.e.-500 c.e.

Locale: The coastal plain in the southeastern United States, including southeastern Alabama, northern and west-central Florida, southeastern South Carolina, and eastern Georgia

Deptford Culture

The Deptford (DET-fuhrd) people had two different ways of life: coastal and riverine. Those who lived near the coast enjoyed a diet of fish, shellfish, and other marine foods as well as the nuts, turkey, deer, and other woodland edibles that sustained inland peoples. By 100 b.c.e., the Deptford culture had penetrated the interior, where the riverine tradition flourished in the Chattahoochee and Alabama Valleys.


Deptford villages were characterized by two dwelling types: a walled oval hut inhabited during cool weather and a warm-season shelter with open walls. Major riverine sites also display large, earthen platform mounds, which may have been designed for feasts or communal eating. Deptford ceramics were made of coiled sandy clay and decorated with impressions made by cords, fabric, or wooden stamps. Numerous types of stone were used for projectile points, axes, blades, and other tools. In coastal settlements, shell was widely used for decorative and utilitarian purposes.

Among the Deptford people, certain dead (the majority of whom were women) were buried beneath earthen mounds, which were often enlarged by later interments. Excavations have revealed an even distribution of grave goods (most commonly, projectile points) in these mound burials, suggesting that the Deptford culture was egalitarian—that is, persons were born relatively equal, distinction being based on personal achievement, not heredity.


Bense, J. A. Hawkshaw: Prehistory and History in an Urban Neighborhood in Pensacola, Florida. Pensacola: Archaeology Institute, University of West Florida, 1985.

Milanich, J. T. Archaeology of Precolumbian Florida. Gainesville: University of Florida Presses, 1994.

Thomas, D. H. “The Anthropology of St. Catherine’s Island: 2. The Refuge—Deptford Mortuary Complex.” Anthropological Papers 56, no. 1. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 1979.