Parents' Alliance to Protect Our Children
The Parents' Alliance to Protect Our Children (PAPOC) is an organization focused on advocating for children's issues, particularly in the context of education. The alliance emphasizes the importance of traditional family values and seeks to safeguard children from educational content that it perceives as contrary to these values. PAPOC engages in research and provides testimonies to governmental bodies, including the U.S. Department of Education, regarding its findings on various topics impacting families. Key areas of interest for the organization include sex education, abortion, population control, school curricula, family legislation, and the censorship of music and educational materials. Through its efforts, PAPOC aims to influence public policy and educational practices to align more closely with its members' beliefs about family and childhood education. This organization's work reflects a broader dialogue about the role of education in shaping societal values and the diverse perspectives on parenting and child development.
Parents' Alliance to Protect Our Children
Founded: 1979
Type of organization: Profamily group opposed to secular humanism
Significance: This organization has tried to protect children from forms of manipulation that they believe occur in education and politics
Parents’ Alliance to Protect Our Children (PAPOC) provides information and official opinions especially for education, on children’s issues. Its members believe that children need to be protected from a public education that tries to turn them from traditional family values, and it has testified before the U.S. Department of Education on its research findings. The alliance conducts research into secular and religious life of the nuclear family with specific areas of interest being sex education, abortion and population control, curricula in public and private schools, legislation affecting the family, and censorship in music and education.