Psychosis is a severe mental disorder characterized by a loss of contact with reality, leading to symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations. Individuals experiencing psychosis may display disordered thinking and behavior, often responding inaccurately to their environment. Causes of psychosis can be varied, including brain disturbances from medical conditions, infections, substance use, and genetic predispositions, though some cases remain unexplained. Symptoms can range from severe emotional turmoil and odd behaviors to disruptions in speech and movement, and they commonly emerge in late adolescence or early adulthood.
Treatment options for psychosis include medication, psychotherapy (both individual and group), and, in some cases, hospitalization, especially when the individual poses a danger to themselves or others. The therapeutic approach often focuses on addressing the underlying causes and managing symptoms to help individuals regain functionality. Research indicates that psychosis is prevalent across different demographics, with environmental factors and social determinants playing a significant role, particularly in marginalized communities. Approximately 2% of the population may experience psychosis at some point in their lives, highlighting its importance as a public health concern.
ANATOMY OR SYSTEM AFFECTED: Psychic-emotional system
DEFINITION: The most severe mental disorder, in which the individual loses contact with reality and suffers from such symptoms as delusions and hallucinations.
CAUSES: May include brain disturbances resulting from thyroid disorders, negative drug reactions, infections, epilepsy, tumors, and circulatory disorders (e.g., strokes); brain diseases such as Parkinson disease; dementia; certain prescription and illegal drugs
SYMPTOMS: Delusions, hallucinations, disconnection from reality, speech and movement disturbances
DURATION: Acute to chronic
TREATMENTS: Medication; individual, group, and family psychotherapy; hospitalization
Causes and Symptoms
The individual with a psychosis displays disordered thinking, emotion, and behavior. The individual fails to make sense of his or her surroundings, reacts inaccurately to them, and develops false thoughts or ideas about them. The resulting behavior can be described as peculiar, abnormal, or bizarre. Psychosis runs in families and most often first appears in late adolescence or early adulthood. There are some psychoses with medical and physical causes and some for which the cause is unknown. The treatment of psychoses involves removing or correcting the causes of the psychoses when possible. Psychosis describes a group of symptoms that can be part of several formal psychiatric diagnoses that include schizophrenia. Psychotic symptoms are characterized by delusions, hallucinations, disturbances of movement, and speech disturbances.
Delusions are false beliefs that are held despite strong evidence to the contrary. An example of an extreme delusion might be a man’s belief that someone has planted a radio transmitter in his that sends signals to creatures on Mars. Hallucinations are false sense perceptions that, like delusions, are held despite strong evidence to the contrary. Hallucinations can involve any of the five senses. Examples of extreme include feeling as if one is covered by ants, seeing green cows walking through the wall, hearing voices that do not exist, and smelling a constant odor when none exists.
Disturbances of movement can occur with psychoses. For example, a woman may become very exaggerated in her movements or, conversely, may become motionless for periods of time. These disturbances of movement are clearly bizarre and unnatural. Finally, speech disturbances are very common in psychoses. A man might speak in a way that is not understandable to others. He may carry on a conversation in which he believes that he is communicating normally but without making sense to others. Alternatively, speech might be clear but the individual shifts from one unrelated idea to another without being aware of doing so. Another symptom is severe emotional turmoil described as intense shifting moods with accompanying feelings of being confused.
Approximately 2 percent of all people will develop a psychosis sometime during their life. Although psychoses typically first appear in late adolescence or early adulthood, they may begin in middle to late life as well. The symptoms are apparently equally common in males and females. Because there is a strong family pattern to psychoses, some have suggested a genetic predisposition, and such evidence has been found. Environmental factors, such as home environment, parenting, and traumatic life events, may play a role in some psychoses, as do social determining factors, such as food insecurity, police violence, and racial discrimination. Researchers report US Black and Latino populations experience psychosis more often than white populations.

Treatment and Therapy
Psychoses are often categorized as or functional, which provides a way to communicate the cause of a psychosis and thereby the appropriate treatment. Organic psychoses are attributable to disturbances in the brain. These psychoses can be attributed directly to a problem in the structure, functioning, or chemistry of the brain. Various physical conditions and abnormalities can lead to psychosis, including thyroid disorders, drug reactions, infections, epilepsy, tumors, and circulatory disorders (for example, strokes). The treatment of organic psychoses involves removing or correcting the causes of the psychoses. In the case of a psychosis caused by a disorder of the thyroid gland, the individual might be prescribed medications to correct the thyroid problem or have the gland surgically removed. Certain prescription and illegal drugs can cause a psychosis; these include cocaine, alcohol, heart medications, and pain medications. Teens who use marijuana are more likely to develop psychosis. In these situations, the psychotic symptoms are often eliminated when the medication or drug is discontinued. Organic psychoses may be the result of deteriorating physical conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Such a psychosis is typically nonreversible and is treated with tranquilizing medications to decrease the individual’s discomfort and disruptive behaviors.
Functional psychoses are those psychoses for which no organic causes can be found. Often the psychotic symptoms are part of a more traditional psychiatric condition such as or depression. The mainstay of the treatment of functional psychoses is medication therapy. As with the organic psychoses in deteriorating physical conditions, tranquilizers are the most appropriate first-line treatment for psychotic symptoms. The goal of therapy is to decrease the frequency and disruption of psychotic thoughts and behaviors.
Individual, group, and family are also a major part of treating individuals with functional psychosis or organic psychosis in deteriorating physical conditions. These therapies help to ensure compliance with the medication therapy, decrease the tendency for relapse, and can even lead to the in the amount of medication required to relieve the individual’s symptoms. The goal of psychotherapy is to help the individual maintain functioning.
Occasionally, the patient with a psychosis may require inpatient hospitalization. The experience of hallucinations or delusions can be particularly distressing and can lead to a severe depression. Furthermore, these hallucinations and delusions might be of a homicidal or suicidal nature. While hospitalization is not required in treating individuals with psychosis, when individuals become a danger to themselves or to others, a brief inpatient hospitalization may be required to stabilize the patients and return them to a higher state of functioning. During hospitalization, patients are treated with medication therapy along with individual, group, or family therapy until they can be safely returned to their environments. Occasionally, patients with psychoses have multiple episodes during their lives, requiring numerous inpatient hospitalizations. In May 2013, Georgia Health Sciences University in Augusta, Georgia, published a study linking urinary tract infections (UTIs) in patients with psychosis. According to the study, which was presented at the American Psychiatric Association's 2013 Annual Meeting, prevalence of UTIs was higher in patients with a history of psychosis.
American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-V. 5th ed. Arlington, 2013. Print.
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Barlow, David H., ed. Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders. 4th ed. New York: Guilford Press, 2008.
Bloom, Floyd E., M. Flint Beal, and David J. Kupfer, eds. The Dana Guide to Brain Health. New York: Dana Press, 2006.
Kring, Ann M., et al. Abnormal Psychology. 11th ed. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
"Marijuana and Public Health: Teens." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 8 Sept. 2021, Web. Accessed 8 Aug. 2023.
Moskowitz, Andrew. Psychosis, Trauma and Dissociation: Emerging Perspectives on Severe Psychopathology. New York: Wiley, 2008. Print.
National Library of Medicine. "Psychosis." Medline Plus, 30 Apr. 2022, Web. Accessed 8 Aug. 2023.
Torrey, E. Fuller. Surviving Schizophrenia: A Manual for Families, Patients, and Providers. 5th ed. New York: Collins, 2006.