Egyptian Mythology: Research Starters Topics

Egyptian Mythology: Research Starters Topics

The word myth is derived from the Greek work mythos, meaning “speech” and “discourse,” and then evolved to mean “legend” or “fable.” While there is no uniform definition of myth, there are many kinds, including creation myths, flood myths, myths of nation and races, and myths of the future. There are numerous Research Starter articles related to the mythology of the Egyptian civilization. The list below includes the most relevant Research Starter items.

Amen-Ra, the God of Empire

Horus and the City of Pe

Instruction of Amenemhet

Isis and the Search for Osiris (Egyptian myth)

Isis and the Seven Scorpions

The Battle of Horus and Set

The Bentresh Stela

The Boat of Ra

The Book of Thoth (Egyptian myth)

The Egyptian Creation Myth

The Gods of Egypt

The Island of Enchantment (Egyptian myth)

The Name of Ra

The Rise of Amen

The Tale of Sinuhe

The Two Brothers (Egyptian myth)

The Victory of Sinuhe