Greco-Roman Mythology: Research Starters Topics

Greco-Roman Mythology: Research Starters Topics

The word myth is derived from the Greek work mythos, meaning “speech” and “discourse,” and then evolved to mean “legend” or “fable.” While there is no uniform definition of myth, there are many kinds, including creation myths, flood myths, myths of nation and races, and myths of the future. There are numerous Research Starter articles related to the mythology of ancient Greece and Rome. The list below includes the most relevant Research Starter items.

Achilles and the Stern Waters of Styx

Aphrodite and Adonis

Apollo Establishes His Temple at Delphi

Apollo and the Thessalian Hyacinthus

Athena and the Birth of Erichthonius

Bellerophon and the Battle with Chimera

Cadmus Sowing the Dragon’s Teeth

Cronus and the Birth of the Cosmos

Gaia and the Castration of Uranus

Helen of Troy

Hera and the Seduction of Zeus

Jove’s Great Deluge

King Oedipus Is Revealed

Pandora and the Great Jar

Prometheus and the Theft of Fire

The Birth of Zeus

The Death of Ajax

The Divine Loves of Zeus

The Love of Aphrodite and Anchises

The Myth of Atlantis

The Myth of Er

The Prophecy of Paris (Greek myth)

The Sack of Troy

The Statue of Pygmalion

The Twelfth Labor: Hercules and Cerberus

The Vengeance of Medea

Zeus and Europa

Zeus and the Titan War