Mythology of the British Isles: Research Starters Topics

Mythology of the British Isles: Research Starters Topics

The word myth is derived from the Greek work mythos, meaning “speech” and “discourse,” and then evolved to mean “legend” or “fable.” While there is no uniform definition of myth, there are many kinds, including creation myths, flood myths, myths of nation and races, and myths of the future. There are numerous Research Starter articles related to the mythology of the British Isles. The list below includes the most relevant Research Starter items.

Beowulf and the Battle with Grendel

Childe Rowland

Culhwch and Olwen: Hunting the Twrch Trwyth

Havelok and Godard

King Arthur and Guinevere

King Arthur’s Round Table

Oisín’s Mother (Irish folktale)

Sir Galahad and the Holy Grail

Sir Gammer Vans

The Birth of Bran

The Combat of Fer Díad and Cúchulainn

The Death of King Arthur

The Fisher King (myth)

The Legend of Tuan mac Carell

The Marriage of Sir Gawain

The Mermaid (folktale)

The Morrígu (Irish myth)

The Order of Scáthach (Irish myth)

The Story of Saint Kenelm

The Story of the Young Cuckoo (Irish folktale)