Diana (mythology)

Symbol: Moon, forest, wild animals, deer, children, virginity

Culture: Roman

Mother: Latona

Father: Jupiter

Siblings: Apollo

In ancient Roman mythology, Diana was the goddess of the hunt, nature, and the moon. She was regarded as the protector of the forests and the creatures inhabiting it. Diana was commonly associated with woodland animals such as deer, and her worshippers believed that she was able to speak to and control animals. She often is depicted holding a bow and arrows. Although most ancient accounts identify Diana as a virgin goddess, she later came to be known as a protector of women and childbirth. Some aspects of the ancient Roman worship of Diana were borrowed from the goddess Artemis, the Greek goddess of the hunt, childbirth, and virginity. In Italy, however, Diana had her own distinct persona separate from the goddess Artemis.rsspencyclopedia-20180108-77-167393.jpgrsspencyclopedia-20180108-77-167394.jpg

In Mythology

Diana was the daughter of Jupiter, king of the ancient Roman deities, and the goddess Latona. She was the twin sister of Apollo, the god of light. The twins were born on the island of Delos in Greece. Diana swore to never marry and took a vow of chastity, making her one of the three Roman maiden goddesses alongside Minerva and Vesta. Diana's virginity is the subject of many myths in which the goddess appears. One particularly famed myth involves a hunter named Actaeon. Actaeon is out hunting and strays from his hunting group only to stumble upon Diana, who is naked and bathing in the woods. When the goddess discovers the hunter watching her, she turns him into a deer. Actaeon's own hunting dogs then hunt and eat him.

Diana was primarily worshipped as a hunting deity, and most of her imagery features her dressed in short tunics designed to give the wearer room to move quickly. Depictions of the goddess often show her in the middle of a hunt, with dogs or deer by her side. She often is portrayed wearing a quiver of arrows and carrying a bow.

In addition to her hunting persona, Diana acted as a guardian of women, specifically virgins. Conflictingly, she also was associated with childbirth and served as a goddess of fertility and protector of children. Diana is depicted as a moon deity and has been portrayed wearing a crown bearing a crescent moon. Her name derives from the Latin for "goddess of light and of the moon," with the understanding that she guided people's path with the light of her moon. She sometimes was worshipped as the moon, and in Ovid's poems, her name often replaces the word moon, signifying her close association with this celestial object. The phases of the moon also are related to Diana's mythology. Each new moon represents Diana's monthly voyage to the underworld, and the changing moon cycle signifies the cycle of life and death.

Origins and Cults

Although Diana's exact origins are the subject of debate, her worship dates back to the ancient cities of Italy, specifically the Latin city of Aricia. In Aricia, she was known as Diana Nemorensis, or Diana of the Grove. The Aricians built a temple honoring the goddess in a spacious wooded area overlooking Lake Nemi (part of Diana's namesake), which has been referred to as the "mirror of Diana" for its moon-reflecting properties. Early worshippers of Diana included several Roman emperors, whose visits to the site were recorded on dedicatory inscriptions at the temple.

The cult of Diana focused on her association with the hunt, however. Worshippers of her cult acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to become effective hunters. This knowledge included a thorough understanding of wild and domestic animals and nature in general. The high priest of Diana's hunting cult was called the rex nemorensis, or king of the wood. When the cult decided that it was in need of a new high priest, it elected a challenger who was tasked with hunting down and killing the current leader. If successful, the challenger was named the new king of the wood. Roman poet Ovid mentions the ritual in several of his works.

Ancient peoples traveled to Diana's place of worship to ask for healing of various ailments. Sick or injured travelers left items known as votive offerings—objects offered in exchange for Diana's healing powers. Beginning about 600 BCE, the Latin image of Diana began to inherit characteristics of the Greek goddess Artemis. Her worship also had migrated into Roman territory, and by the fourth century BCE, Diana was accepted in Roman mythology as the twin sister of the god Apollo. Although Aricia became a part of Roman territory toward the end of the fourth century BCE, Arician worship of the goddess remained distinct from Roman worship. Romans did honor her as goddess of the hunt.

First-century Roman emperor Augustus used Diana's and Apollo's images to solidify his power following his rise to the throne. Augustus adopted Apollo as his patron deity and declared himself a direct descendent of the god. He chose Apollo because of the god's association with Diana, who was widely revered throughout Rome. Diana was an important deity in Roman religion and politics by this time. Augustus's promotion of Apollo slowly diminished Diana's prominence in Roman mythology.

Diana continued to appear in various mythological accounts over the next few centuries, notably in Ovid's Metamorphoses, in which she is described as the virgin Roman goddess of the hunt. Romans continued to hold celebrations in her honor, notably the festival of Nemoralia, which was held in August each year around the time of the full moon. Worshippers traveled to Lake Nemi with offerings for the goddess. Nemoralia was especially sacred for women, who participated in an elaborate ritual during which they washed and decorated their hair.

Diana has been the subject of many works of art and literature throughout history. Artists such as Titian and Peter Paul Rubens routinely used her mythical imagery in their paintings. References to Diana have appeared in plays, novels, and films. English playwright William Shakespeare frequently referred to Diana in his plays, including Twelfth Night, Much Ado about Nothing, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Romeo and Juliet. Worship of Diana still occurs in modern society. She often is honored by feminist Wiccan groups such as Dianic Wiccans, who consider Diana the epitome of the sacred feminine.


Cartwright, Mark. "Artemis." Ancient History Encyclopedia, 29 May 2012, www.ancient.eu/artemis/. Accessed 14 Jan. 2018.

"Diana." Encyclopedia Mythica, pantheon.org/articles/d/diana.html. 14 Jan. 2018.

"Diana the Huntress." Mount Holyoke College, commons.mtholyoke.edu/arth310rdiana/huntress-2/. Accessed 14 Jan. 2018.

"Diana the Huntress, Roman Goddess: Importance & Mythology." Study.com, study.com/academy/lesson/dianna-the-huntress-roman-goddess-importance-mythology.html. Accessed 14 Jan. 2018.

"Diana the Moon Goddess." Mount Holyoke College, commons.mtholyoke.edu/arth310rdiana/the-moon/. Accessed 14 Jan. 2018.

"Diana Nemorensis." Mount Holyoke College, commons.mtholyoke.edu/arth310rdiana/diana-nemorensis-2/. Accessed 14 Jan. 2018.

"Diana of Tauris." Mount Holyoke College, commons.mtholyoke.edu/arth310rdiana/diana-of-tauris/. Accessed 14 Jan. 2018.

"Sister of Apollo." Mount Holyoke College, commons.mtholyoke.edu/arth310rdiana/sister-of-apollo/. Accessed 14 Jan. 2018.

Wigington, Patti. "Diana, Roman Goddess of the Hunt." ThoughtCo.com,24 Dec. 2014, www.thoughtco.com/diana-roman-goddess-2562631. Accessed 14 Jan. 2018.