Gantt chart

A Gantt chart is a visual aid that is used to track the progress of projects. Used in project management, this bar chart shows the steps needed to be completed by a certain date to ensure a project is finished on time. It is named after American engineer Henry Gantt, who in the early twentieth century redesigned an earlier chart used to manage projects. Many industries continue to use Gantt charts in the twenty-first century.



A Polish engineer named Karol Adamiecki created the predecessor to the Gantt chart in the 1890s. The manager of a steelworks plant wanted to devise a way to visually organize projects and their completion dates to make sure ventures finished on schedule. A little more than a decade later, American engineer and management consultant Henry Gantt developed a version of Adamiecki's chart. This version became widely used and was named after Gantt. While Gantt charts were useful time-management tools, they were laborious to create and maintain. A new one had to be redrawn and filled out for each new project. The invention of computers and software programs in the twentieth century helped make the development and upkeep of Gantt charts less work and more efficient.

The main purpose of a Gantt chart is to organize a project and all its elements to ensure the project is completed according to schedule. The bar chart shows the project; the start and end dates of the project; each activity associated with the project; the time it will take to complete each phase; and any other projects that might interfere with it. A Gantt chart is usually set up in a computer program such as Microsoft Excel. The tasks associated with the project are listed vertically along the left side of the chart. The time the entire project will take from beginning to end is listed at the top and is charted horizontally by a bar next to each task. The length of the bar depicts the time it takes to complete each individual phase of the activity from start to finish.

Gantt charts help managers schedule and monitor specific activities. Just by glancing at the charts, managers can tell which tasks are in progress (or have been completed) and how much time and resources will be needed to finish the tasks. The charts help alert managers when activities are off track and deadlines are in danger of being missed.

The Gantt chart aids managers with scheduling and resources because it depicts which tasks may need additional time or which tasks can be completed in less time so that the extra time can be allotted to other activities. This is especially important if certain activities are dependent on previous ones and cannot be started until the previous ones are completed. For example, in a bathroom remodel, if the chart allots three days for tub installation, but it takes five, this might impact other tasks such as floor installation or painting and hold up the entire process. This puts the whole project in danger of finishing past schedule.


Crair, Stu. "Column: Gantt Charts Help Manage Business Progress." Coloradoan, 14 Aug. 2014, Accessed 16 July 2024.

Duffy, Jill. "5 Simple Steps for Getting Started with Gantt Charts." PC Magazine, 31 Oct. 2016, Accessed 16 July 2024.

Grant, Mitchell. "Gantt Chart: Definition, Benefits, and How It's Used." Investopedia, 27 June 2024, Accessed 16 July 2024.

Naybour, Paul. "What Is a Gantt Chart?" Project Accelerator News, 20 Feb. 2014, Accessed 16 July 2024.

Trainer, Andy. "Profile of Henry Gantt & the History of the Gantt Chart." Silicon Beach Training, 16 Aug, 2012, Accessed 16 Dec. 2016.

"What Is a Gantt Chart?, Accessed 16 July 2024.