Football: Research Starters Topic

Football: Research Starters Topic

American football is a team sport that grew out of rugby during the nineteenth century. Teams consist of eleven players on the field whose goal is to move a ball to the opposite end of the field to score. As the game has evolved, players have become increasingly specialized, so teams substitute them frequently. There are numerous Research Starter articles related to the topic of American football. The list below includes the most relevant Research Starter items. Football is also the name for various other sports including Canadian football, Australian rules football, association football (soccer), and rugby football that are played on rectangular fields in which teams attempt to advance a ball by passing, running, or kicking it in order to score points at the opposite end of the field. “Football” derives its name from the fact that the games are played on foot, in contrast to on horseback.

American Football

Arena Football League

Canadian Football League (CFL)

College Football Bowl Games

College football

Mathematics of kicking a field goal

National Football League (NFL)

Landmark events

American College Football Allows the Forward Pass

Formation of the American Professional Football Association

Monday Night Football began

NFL Franchise Goes to Houston

NFL-AFL Merger Creates a Sports-Industry Giant

National Football League Holds Its First Super Bowl

New England Patriots Football Team Is Fined for Spying on Other Teams

Professional Football Names First Inductees to the Pro Football Hall of Fame

World Football League's Challenge to the National Football League Fails