Buffy tufted-ear marmoset

Buffy tufted-ear marmosets are small, South American monkeys. They get their name from the tufts of hair that poke out around their ears and from their light beige and black furred heads.


Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Primate

Family: Callitrichidae

Genus: Callithrix

Species: Aurita

Buffy tufted-ear marmosets are covered mostly with dark brown to black fur. They have patches of light beige fur in the middle of their foreheads and tufts over each ear. Buffy tufted-ear marmosets grow to be between seven and a half and eight and a half inches (nineteen to twenty-one and a half centimeters) long with ten and a half to fourteen-inch (twenty-seven to thirty-five centimeter) tails. They weigh between ten and thirteen ounces (283 to 368 grams). They are one of the smallest monkey species.

Buffy tufted-ear marmosets live in the forests of southeastern Brazil in the states of Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, and Minas Gerais. They live in family groups and are most active during the day. Buffy tufted-ear marmosets are arboreal and live most of their lives in trees.

Buffy tufted-ear marmosets are omnivorous, eating both meat and plants. They eat flowers, fruit, tree gum, sap, nectar, insects, spiders, frogs, snails, and lizards. They pick and hold their food with their hand-like front paws.

Buffy tufted-ear marmosets are possibly preyed upon by wild cats, birds of prey, and snakes. They are also threatened by a loss of their natural rain forest habitat.

Mating season for buffy tufted-ear marmosets is unknown. They have a gestation period, or duration of pregnancy, of about six months. The female then gives birth to one or two babies. Twins are very common among marmosets. When the young are very small, they travel around clinging to their mother's chest. As they grow, they may move onto her back or onto their father's back. Older siblings also help raise their new brothers and sisters. All members of the family group work together helping to raise the young marmosets.

Buffy tufted-ear marmosets have life span of between seven and sixteen years in captivity. Their average life span in the wild is twelve years. Buffy tufted-ear marmosets are an endangered species and conservation efforts are being made to address the threat.


Kuo, Michael. “Callithrix Aurita.” Animal Diversity Web, 2000, animaldiversity.org/accounts/Callithrix‗aurita/. Accessed 10 Apr. 2024.

Heim, Rachel. “Buffy-Tufted-Ear Marmoset.” New England Primate Conservancy, Nov. 2019, neprimateconservancy.org/buffy-tufted-ear-marmoset/. Accessed 10 Apr. 2024.